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connotations, plural;
  1. An idea or feeling that a word invokes person in addition to its literal or primary meaning
    • - the word “discipline” has unhappy connotations of punishment and repression
  2. The implication of such ideas or feelings
    • - the work functions both by analogy and by connotation
  3. The abstract meaning or intension of a term, which forms a principle determining which objects or concepts it applies to

  1. intension: what you must know in order to determine the reference of an expression
  2. an idea that is implied or suggested
  3. (connotative) having the power of implying or suggesting something in addition to what is explicit
  4. Connotation is a subjective cultural and/or emotional coloration in addition to the explicit or denotative meaning of any specific word or phrase in a language, i.e. emotional association with a word.
  5. In semiotics, connotation arises when the denotative relationship between a signifier and its signified is inadequate to serve the needs of the community. A second level of meanings is termed connotative. ...
  6. A meaning of a word or phrase that is suggested or implied, as opposed to a denotation, or literal meaning. A characteristic of words or phrases, or of the contexts that words and phrases are used in; A technical term in logic used by J. S. ...
  7. (connotate) To connote; to suggest or designate (something) as additional; to include; to imply
  8. (connotative) That implies or suggests something else
  9. (connotations) are semantic values conventionally associated with the core meaning of a word. Churchill used the phrase terminological inexactitude of a fellow member of Parliament, to avoid the negative connotation of lie, a term which parliamentary etiquette forbids.
  10. (Connotative) Combines the qualities of descriptive and invented brand names to create a unique brand name in the market place.
  11. The suggestion of a meaning by a word beyond what it explicitly denotes or describes. The word, home, for example, means the place where one lives, but by connotation, also suggests security, family, love and comfort. ...
  12. the secondary, cultural meanings of signs; or "signifying signs," signs that are used as signifiers for a secondary meaning, e.g., the word "rose" signifies passion.
  13. The attitudes and feelings associated with a word. These associations can be negative or positive, and have an important influence on style and meaning. See Denotation
  14. The impression that a word gives beyond its defined meaning. Connotations may be universally understood or may be significant only to a certain group. ...
  15. those words, things, or ideas with which a word often keeps company but which it does not actually denote. A word's semantic field consists largely of its lexical associations, that is, its more or less frequent collocations.
  16. A word’s extrinsic, figurative sense, including its overtones and shades of meaning (cf. Denotation). ...
  17. The associated meanings of a word or expression (for the opposite term, see denotation).
  18. Associated meanings of a word; individual speakers have different feelings about words. See denotation. One theory about women's speech in our culture argues for more sensitivity to connotative and implied meanings.
  19. the personal definition or association triggered by a word
  20. What a word suggests beyond the basic dictionary meaning.
  21. the secondary meanings that cultural texts and practices carry or support.
  22. the associations or the flavour of a word – the words which spring to mind when a particular word is used – e.g. the connotations of “school” are homework, boring, teachers, detention, etc – none of which are necessarily are in the dictioanry meaning of the term. ...
  23. A subjective meaning or association held by a particular word. Ex: The word "sauntered" creates a different image than the word "walked" in the sentence, "Karen sauntered down the street."
  24. An idea or meaning suggested by or associated with a word or thing.
  25. refers to the set of characteristics essentially possessed by every object denoted by the term. For example, man, Gita, Mohan, Kamal etc. Man means that possess morality and rationality. Morality and rationality = Connotation.