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bilingual 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(of a person) Speaking two languages fluently,
  1. (of a person) Speaking two languages fluently
    • - a bilingual secretary
  2. (of a text or an activity) Written or conducted in two languages
    • - bilingual dictionaries
    • - bilingual education
  3. (of a country, city, or other community) Using two languages, esp. officially
    • - the town is virtually bilingual in Dutch and German
  1. A person fluent in two languages

  1. a person who speaks two languages fluently
  2. using or knowing two languages; "bilingual education"
  3. (bilingualism) the ability to speak two languages colloquially
  4. (bilingually) in a bilingual manner; "she grew up bilingually"
  5. Multilingualism is the act of using, or promoting the use, of multiple languages, either by an individual speaker or by a community of speakers. Multilingual speakers outnumber monolingual speakers in the world's population. The generic term for a multilingual person is polyglot. ...
  6. Bilingual is the tenth album (sixth containing original material) by the English dance music group Pet Shop Boys. It has sold about 1,000,000 albums world-wide. ...
  7. (Bilingualism (Brain)) Work in the field of cognitive neuroscience has located classical language areas within the perislyvian cortex of the left hemisphere. This area is crucial for the representation of language, but other areas in the brain are shown to be active in this function as well. ...
  8. (Bilingualism (Canada)) Official bilingualism is the term used in Canada to collectively describe the policies, constitutional provisions, and laws which give English and French a special legal status over other languages in Canada’s courts, parliament and administration.
  9. Bilingualism is the ability to use two languages. However, defining bilingualism can be problematic since there may be variation in proficiency across the four language dimensions (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and differences in proficiency between the two languages. ...
  10. (Bilingualism) Being able to communicate effectively in two or more languages, with more or less the same degree of proficiency.
  11. Refers to stamps inscribed in two languages. Most Canadian stamps include both English and French text. South African stamps are sometimes in both English and Afrikaans.
  12. A person who knows and uses two languages. [See Richards, J.C., Platt, J. & Platt, H. (1992)]
  13. refers to the fact that students speak more than one language. All of our ESL students are bilingual.
  14. This program teaches babies and young children who are deaf or hard of hearing two languages, American Sign Language (ASL) and the family's native language, (for example, English or Spanish). ...
  15. instruction is given in English and in another language.  By program completion, students are proficient in both languages.  This is not intended to be used to identify programs in foreign language study.
  16. Although the term bilingual is most commonly used in Massachusetts to mean individuals who can speak both English and Spanish, bilingual can also refer to individuals who speak both English and American Sign Language or any two of a variety of other languages.
  17. Referring to the inscription on a coin that is in two languages.
  18. Day of the week available in two languages, usually English and Spanish. To ascertain whether a watch is equipped with this feature, set the day of the week to see if two languages alternate.
  19. Able to use two languages with equal ease
  20. Bilingual here is taken to mean all pupils who use or have access to more than one language at home or at school-pupils who are living in and learning in English or more other languages. It does not necessarily imply full fluency in both languages’ (Aiming High DfES 2003)
  21. An individual's ability to speak his or her native language as well as an additional language fluently.
  22. Belgische Unie/Union Belge | PVDA-PTB