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assimilate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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assimilated, past participle; assimilates, 3rd person singular present; assimilating, present participle; assimilated, past tense;
  1. Take in (information, ideas, or culture) and understand fully
    • - Marie tried to assimilate the week's events
  2. Absorb and integrate (people, ideas, or culture) into a wider society or culture
    • - pop trends are assimilated into the mainstream with alarming speed
    • - the converts were assimilated into the society of their conquerors
  3. Absorb or integrate and use for one's own benefit
    • - the music business assimilated whatever aspects of punk it could turn into profit
  4. (of the body or any biological system) Absorb and digest (food or nutrients)
    • - the sugars in the fruit are readily assimilated by the body
  5. Cause (something) to resemble; liken
    • - philosophers had assimilated thought to perception
  6. Come to resemble
    • - the churches assimilated to a certain cultural norm
  7. Make (a sound) more like another in the same or next word

  1. absorb: take up mentally; "he absorbed the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe"
  2. become similar to one's environment; "Immigrants often want to assimilate quickly"
  3. take (gas, light or heat) into a solution
  4. become similar in sound; "The nasal assimilates to the following consonant"
  5. (assimilation) the state of being assimilated; people of different backgrounds come to see themselves as part of a larger national family
  6. (assimilation) the social process of absorbing one cultural group into harmony with another
  7. (Assimilation (biology)) Biological assimilation, or bioassimilation, involves one of two different processes to supply animal cells with nutrients. The first is the process of absorbing vitamins, minerals, and other chemicals from food within the gastrointestinal tract. ...
  8. (Assimilation (French colonial)) Assimilation was one ideological basis of French colonial policy in the 19th and 20th centuries. In contrast with British imperial policy, the French taught their subjects that, by adopting French language and culture, they could eventually become French. ...
  9. (Assimilation (meteorology)) In Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) systems, data assimilation is the process of objectively adapting the model state to observations in a statistically optimal way taking into account model and observation errors. ...
  10. (Assimilation (phonology)) Assimilation is a common phonological process by which the phonetics of a speech segment becomes more like that of another segment in a word (or at a word boundary). ...
  11. (Assimilation (psychology)) Constructivism is a theory of knowledge (epistemology) that argues that humans generate knowledge and meaning from an interaction between their experiences and their ideas (During infancy, it is an interaction between their experiences and their reflexes or behavior- ...
  12. (Assimilation (Star Trek)) The Borg are a fictional pseudo-race of cybernetic organisms depicted in the Star Trek universe.
  13. To incorporate nutrients into the body after digestion; To incorporate or absorb knowledge into the mind; To absorb a group of people into a community; To compare something to another similar one
  14. (Assimilation) process of becoming incorporated into mainstream society. Strict observance of Jewish laws and customs pertaining to dress, food, and religious holidays tends to keep Jewish people separate and distinct from the culture of the country within which they are living. ...
  15. (Assimilation) The ability of a body of water to purify itself of pollutants.
  16. (Assimilation) A 19th century idea that Indigenous people should be 'improved' by being 'civilised' and becoming Christians and learning how to work as Europeans did. From the 1930s assimilation became government policy. *
  17. (Assimilation) After an issue's underwriters have sold all shares, a new issue is considered assimilated by investors.
  18. (Assimilation) Borg term for forced integration of lifeforms and technology into their Collective. For humanoids, assimilation implies transformation into a drone, thereby completely losing their individuality. Nanoprobes are key components in this process. ...
  19. (Assimilation) the process whereby newcomers to society are encouraged to give up their cultural way of life and accommodate as quickly as possible to values and culture of the host society. ...
  20. (Assimilation) conversion of absorbed wastewater constituents into living tissue.
  21. (assimilation) Piaget's term for the process of incorporating information into existing schemas
  22. (assimilation) adapting to the culture of the population's majority
  23. (assimilation) This is the process of absorbing’ immigrants, or other minority groups, into a larger, dominant community. It involves a loss of the characteristics which make the newcomers different, including language, customs, religion etc. ...
  24. (assimilation) the process by which one sound becomes more like another sound, being actually influenced by other sounds in the course of pronunciation. An example is the change from “Good boy” to “Gooboy”. Some prefixes change so that the prefix “ad”, for example, becomes “ag” in “aggression”. ...
  25. (assimilation) when one ethnic group absorbs another, so that the cultural traits of the assimilated group become indistinguishable.