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algorithm 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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algorithms, plural;
  1. A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, esp. by a computer
    • - a basic algorithm for division

  1. a precise rule (or set of rules) specifying how to solve some problem
  2. (algorithmic) of or relating to or having the characteristics of an algorithm
  3. In mathematics, computer science, and related subjects, an algorithm is an effective method for solving a problem expressed as a finite sequence of steps. Algorithms are used for calculation, data processing, and many other fields. ...
  4. A medical algorithm is any computation, formula, statistical survey, nomogram, or look-up table, useful in healthcare. Medical algorithms include decision tree approaches to healthcare treatment (i.e. ...
  5. A precise step-by-step plan for a computational procedure that begins with an input value and yields an output value in a finite number of steps
  6. (Algorithms) certain criteria and rules used by search engines to rank websites.
  7. (Algorithms) Cramer-Shoup | DH | DSA | ECDH | ECDSA | EKE | ElGamal | GMR | MQV | NTRUEncrypt | NTRUSign | Paillier | Rabin | Rabin-Williams | RSA | Schnorr | SPEKE | SRP | XTR
  8. (Algorithms) are complex mathematical formulae or rules used to solve problems. In CCTV, they are used to achieve digital compression of a video picture.
  9. (Algorithms) (competition length 2 hours): Competitors are given a set (usually three) of algorithmic problems and have 75 minutes to correctly solve as many as they can.
  10. (Algorithms) A programmed set of mathematical formulas developed for a computer environment to perform a specific function.
  11. (Algorithms) Specific sets of rules or instructions for problem solving.  Precision, input, output, determinism, termination, and generality will usually be included.  For any given problem, a number of algorithms may be applied.
  12. Algorithms are routines to deal with particular situations; for example, a controller formula to correct an element in a continuous process.
  13. Algorithms calculate relevancy with several different types. The different algorithms have a different common factor it looks for such as metatags, links, and keyword density.
  14. A specific procedure used to modify a signal. For example, the key to a digital compression system is the algorithm that eliminates redundancy.
  15. A well-defined sequence of steps, clearly enough explained that even a computer could do them.
  16. An algorithm is a set of finite, ordered steps for solving a mathematical problem. Each Search Engine uses a proprietary algorithm set to calculate the relevance of its indexed web pages to your particular Query. ...
  17. are used to resolve problems and come in the form of step by step instructions that result in the accomplishment of a task.
  18. A calculation method that produces a control output by operating on an error signal or a time series of error signals.
  19. An unambiguous formula or set of rules for solving a problem in a finite number of steps. Algorithms for encryption are usually called Ciphers.
  20. The technology that a search engine uses to deliver results to a web search or query. Search engines utilize several algorithms in tandem to deliver a page of search results or keyword-targeted search ads.
  21. A set of processing or working instructions that, because of their high precision, can be carried out independently by a mechanical or electronic device. Algorithms are, for example, the set rules for addition and subtraction etc. ...
  22. A detailed sequence of actions to perform to accomplish some task. Technically, an algorithm must reach a result after a finite number of steps, thus ruling out brute force search methods for certain problems, though some might claim that brute force search was also a valid (generic) algorithm. ...
  23. A computer program (or set of programs) which is designed to systematically solve a certain kind of problem. WSR-88D radars (NEXRAD) employ algorithms to analyze radar data and automatically determine storm motion, probability of hail, VIL, accumulated rainfall, and several other parameters.
  24. A limited set of well-defined instructions to solve a task, which leads reliably from a given starting point to a corresponding identifiable end point. It can also be described as a systematic procedure for carrying out a calculation or solving a problem in a limited number of stages. ...
  25. A mathematical formula used to determine the value of a page when compared against others.