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adjective 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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adjectives, plural;
  1. A word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it

  1. adjectival: of or relating to or functioning as an adjective; "adjectival syntax"; "an adjective clause"
  2. a word that expresses an attribute of something
  3. relating to court practice and procedure as opposed to the principles of law; "adjective law"
  4. the word class that qualifies nouns
  5. An adjective is a word signifying a conceptual representation of an ontological possibility.
  6. A word that modifies a noun or describes a noun’s referent; Incapable of independent function; Adjectival; pertaining to or functioning as an adjective; Applying to methods of enforcement and rules of procedure; Of a dye that needs the use of a mordant to be made fast to that which is being ...
  7. (Adjectives (Les adjectifs)) They describe nouns. They “add” a “jective”, ok, there’s no such thing as a “jective”, but they “add” something to the noun. That’s a memory hook you can use – adding something to a noun. Not a verb, that would be an adverb.
  8. (Adjectives) affable | astute | baleful | banal | caustic | complacent | defunct | disparate | ebullient | grandiloquent | gregarious | indomitable | insidious | intransigent | jubilant | laconic | lascivious | ludicrous | lugubrious | maladroit | mawkish | meretricious | morose | nebulous | ...
  9. (Adjectives) are picture words; they describe nouns. They are inflected for number and comparison. They take the infix -g- as pluralizer (as in dako, pl. = dagko). For comparison, the expresssions sama sa, mas...kay, pinaka- or labing + Adj. are used. ...
  10. (Adjectives) flat (flatr), happy (happ), ill (illr), likely (líklígʀ), loose (lauss), low (lágʀ), meek (miúkʀ), odd (odda), rotten (rotinn/rutinn), scant (skamt), sly (sløgʀ), weak (væikʀ), wrong (vrangʀ)
  11. (Adjectives) modify nouns. In other words, they describe more about a noun in terms of location, state of being, or condition. For instance, we may know that we have a dog, but what kind of dog? We can talk about a happy dog. ...
  12. Adjectives are describing words. They tell us what something looks, feels, smells or tastes like. They also tell us how someone is feeling. Adjectives are very important and can make your writing much more interesting. For example;
  13. adjectives are used frequently in Turkish and English recipes.
  14. An adjective is a word that modifies a noun or pronoun
  15. A word that is used to modify a noun or pronoun, usually to give a descriptive meaning. For example ‘shiny’ and ‘scary’.
  16. This is a category of word (abbreviated to A) which often denotes states (e.g. happy, sad), which typically has an adverb counterpart in -ly (cf. sad/sadly), which typically has comparative/ superlative forms in -er/-est (cf. sadder/saddest), which can often take the prefix un- (cf. ...
  17. A word which qualifies or further describes a noun or noun phrase. Examples are colourless and green which qualify ideas in Colourless green ideas sleep furiously. Adjectives can also appear after verbs like be, e.g. The apples were green.
  18. a word, such as heavy, beautiful, or strong, that is used to describe a noun.
  19. A type of modifier that describes a noun or pronoun. Some languages treat them more like nouns and give them properties like cases, classes, etc. In other languages, they are stative verbs (like Japanese aoi 'be blue' or Nahajo hózhó. 'be happy'). Chapter 5.
  20. A word that qualifies a noun. Its etymology--thrown (iacio) and near (ad)--isn't a particularly useful guide to its meaning, other than indicating that adjectives are typically near the nouns they qualify. Blue skies, tall building. ...
  21. declinable and comparisable word signifying a quality or a feature, used as an attribute or a complement.
  22. shippy (supports a ship) : Example: "That hug was shippy." means "That hug makes them look like a couple."
  23. A word used to limit or qualify a noun; one of the eight traditional parts of speech.
  24. Words that describe nouns: people, places and things.
  25. Traditionally, the part of speech which qualifies a noun. But in Spanish, adjectives are often used as nouns (el viejo 'the old man'), and in colloquial register sometimes as adverbs (va muy rápido 'it goes very quickly').