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adaptable 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Able to adjust to new conditions,
  1. Able to adjust to new conditions
    • - rats are highly adaptable to change
  2. Able to be modified for a new use or purpose
    • - a workforce with adaptable skills

  1. capable of adapting (of becoming or being made suitable) to a particular situation or use; "to succeed one must be adaptable"; "the frame was adaptable to cloth bolts of different widths"
  2. (adaptability) the ability to change (or be changed) to fit changed circumstances
  3. Adaptability (lat.: adaptō = fit, matching) is a feature of a system or of a process. This word has been put to use as a specialised term in different disciplines and in business operations. Word definitions of adaptability as a specialised term differ little from . ...
  4. (Adaptability (computer science)) The term “adaptability” (note the difference with the related term Adaptivity (computer science)) characterizes a computer system that empowers end-users without or with limited programming skills to customise or tailor this computer system according to their ...
  5. (adaptably) In an adaptable manner
  6. (adaptability) (of body, mental factors and consciousness): kammaññatā (q.v.); cf. khandha (corporeality) and Tab. II.
  7. (adaptability) The capability of the software product to be adapted for different specified environments without applying actions or means other than those provided for this purpose for the software considered. [ISO 9126] See also portability testing.
  8. (4. Adaptability) Adaptability is the capacity of a SES to manage resilience in relation to alternate regimes (sometimes called adaptive capacity). ...
  9. (3. Adaptability) You live in the moment. You don't see the future as a fixed destination. Instead, you see it as a place that you create out of the choices you make right now. As so, you discover your future one choice at a time. This doesn't mean you don't have plans. You probably do. ...
  10. (ADAPTABILITY) Dreaming of your good fortune in being able to adapt yourself to any situation that may arise is a sure sign that your financial condition is sound and will remain so.
  11. (Adaptability) Abstract and generalized
  12. (Adaptability) Design strategy that allows for multiple future uses in a space as needs evolve and change. Adaptable design is considered a sustainable building strategy as it reduces the need to resort to major renovations or tearing down a structure to meet future needs.
  13. (Adaptability) Fights are abstract and are constantly changing. One must be able to adapt to these changing situations. You cannot be bound by fixed techniques, a single system or method. You must be free to use whatever works and to express yourself without limitations.
  14. (Adaptability) Genetic ability of plants and other living organisms to adjust or accommodate to different environments
  15. (Adaptability) Instructors reflect on their teaching practices and student needs, changing their methods, timing, and activities, as needed. This might happen from class to class, or even within a class, when the instructor perceives that the current strategy is not working.
  16. (Adaptability) No nation handles the humanitarian response the same way and there are many variances expected of software including translation for it to be usable in a nation. ...
  17. (Adaptability) Troopers must maintain flexibility with a high degree of performance. A trooper’s job is never the same from one day to the next -- s/he must be able to make changes and still perform the job to the highest degree.
  18. (Adaptability) Use and design of space that addresses the problems of individual differences over a period of time.  Allows the space to be easily changed as needed (examples: widening an existing doorway, adding a stair lift to a staircase).
  19. (Adaptability) Whether it’s the design of space in a building or an outdoor space such as a park, when thinking longer term, is it important to ‘build in’ the ability to allow changes to whatever we build or design so that we can accommodate the needs of different users in the long term.
  20. (Adaptability) imagine you've studied a set Opening sequence. You've played the first couple of moves, just as you learnt. Now, your opponent makes a totally different move and your sequence is disrupted. ...
  21. (Adaptability) is the key word in Seishindo Kenpo, allowing the system to be tailored to fit any person, of any weight, size or gender. Tall, as well as large individuals can be taught to move with grace and beauty. Short individuals can learn to deliver power they never thought possible. ...
  22. (Adaptability) new terms can evolve quickly and be applied to new concepts
  23. (Adaptability) refers to a systems' ability to change itself in order to accommodate changes, especially surprising changes, in its environment. In this thesis the term is used specifically to refer to an element of system sustainability. See maintainability and Section 1.3.3.
  24. (Adaptability) resiliency for both individuals and communities and the ability to respond appropriately and creatively to change. Adaptability is a process of building upon what already exists, and learning from and building upon experiences from both within and outside the community.
  25. (adaptability) Relates to the extent that HRM policies foster employee and organisational readiness for, and acceptance of, change.