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acumen 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The ability to make good judgments and quick decisions, typically in a particular domain,
  1. The ability to make good judgments and quick decisions, typically in a particular domain
    • - business acumen

  1. a tapering point
  2. insightfulness: shrewdness shown by keen insight
  3. quickness of perception or discernment; penetration of mind; the faculty of nice discrimination
  4. (n.) keen insight (Because of his mathematical acumen, Larry was able to figure out in minutes problems that took other students hours.)
  5. (n) - quick insight; accurate knowledge
  6. (n) mental keenness and acuteness; discernment
  7. Keenness of intellect, judgment or insight.
  8. The gradually tapering narrow point of an acuminate leaf.