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weariness 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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wearinesses, plural;
  1. Extreme tiredness; fatigue
    • - he began to feel weariness
  2. Reluctance to see or experience any more of something
    • - hardship at home produced war-weariness

  1. fatigue: temporary loss of strength and energy resulting from hard physical or mental work; "he was hospitalized for extreme fatigue"; "growing fatigue was apparent from the decline in the execution of their athletic skills"; "weariness overcame her after twelve hours and she fell asleep"
  2. (wearily) tiredly: in a weary manner; "he walked around tiredly"
  3. (weary) aweary: physically and mentally fatigued; "`aweary' is archaic"
  4. (weary) tire: exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress; "We wore ourselves out on this hike"
  5. (weary) tire: lose interest or become bored with something or somebody; "I'm so tired of your mother and her complaints about my food"
  6. Fatigue (also called exhaustion, lethargy, languidness, languor, lassitude, and listlessness) is a state of awareness describing a range of afflictions, usually associated with physical and/or mental weakness, though varying from a general state of to a specific work-induced burning sensation ...
  7. Weary is a surname, and may refer to: *Jake Weary *Fred Weary *Emily Pohl-Weary
  8. exhaustion, fatigue or tiredness; a lack of interest or excitement
  9. (weary) To make or to become weary; A feeling of being mentally fatigued; Expressive of fatigue
  10. (wearily) (adv.): tired; in a tired way
  11. (Weary) means "tired and worn": After a day of harvesting corn, the farmer was very weary.