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validity 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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validities, plural;
  1. The quality of supporting the intended point or claim; soundness or cogency
    • - one might question the validity of our data
  2. The state or fact of being legally binding or acceptable
    • - return travel must be within the validity of the ticket

  1. cogency: the quality of being valid and rigorous
  2. the quality of having legal force or effectiveness
  3. robustness: the property of being strong and healthy in constitution
  4. (valid) well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force; "a valid inference"; "a valid argument"; "a valid contract"
  5. (valid) still legally acceptable; "the license is still valid"
  6. The term validity in logic (also logical validity) is largely synonymous with logical truth, however the term is used in different contexts. Validity is a property of formulae, statements and arguments. A logically valid argument is one where the conclusion follows from the premises. ...
  7. In science and statistics, validity has no single agreed definition but generally refers to the extent to which a concept, conclusion or measurement is well-founded and corresponds accurately to the real world. The word "valid" is derived from the Latin validus, meaning strong. ...
  8. The state of being valid, authentic or genuine; Having legal force; A quality of a measurement indicating the degree to which the measure reflects the underlying construct, that is, whether it measures what it purports to measure (see reliability)
  9. (valid) Well grounded or justifiable, pertinent; Acceptable, proper or correct; Related to the current topic, or presented within context, relevant; A formula or system that evaluates to true regardless of the input values
  10. (valid) An inference is valid just in case it is impossible for all the premises to be true and the conclusion false. Note: an inference can be valid even if it’s conclusion is false. See also sound, inference, argument.
  11. A valid patent is an issued patent that is not invalid for one of several reasons, the most common of which is that one or more of its claims read on prior art that was not considered by the patent office during patent prosecution. ...
  12. (Valid) A condition that is legally sufficient; that will be upheld by the courts
  13. (VALID) Having force, or binding force; legally sufficient and authorized by law.
  14. (valid) An XML document that is well-formed and conforms to a schema (RELAX NG, DTD, W3C XML Schema, etc.) of some kind.
  15. (Valid) A document or contract that has legally binding force.
  16. (valid) A property of arguments in which the conclusion necessarily follows from the premises; an argument is valid if the form of the conclusion is true every time the forms of the premises are true. (Intro; Study 3)
  17. (Valid) A binding situation that is authorized and enforceable by law.
  18. (VALID) Certificate of Insurance valid
  19. (VALID) The legal right to use force.
  20. (Valid) (1) Legally sufficient; binding. (2) Meritorious. <That is a valid conclusion based on the facts presented in this case.> (Note that this term is the result of confusion between validity and soundness.)
  21. (Valid) A document is valid if it conforms to a declared document type definition (DTD) and meets the conditions for well-formedness. All elements, attributes, and entities must be declared in the DTD, and all data types must match their definition's requirement.
  22. (Valid) At the risk of weakening any confidence you may have in the preceding rants … Valid refers to an argument form; to reasoning. It does not refer to responses or data. People refer to “valid data” when they talk about “expected data” or data which conforms with a standard.
  23. (Valid) Effective. It refers to the situation in law of an action performed in accordance with the law and recognized as producing the effects stipulated by law.
  24. (Valid) Sufficient in law; effective.
  25. (Valid) This word typically means "executed with the proper formalities," e.g., the statute of limitations has not run out or do not apply. It does not mean that the priest has been found guilty.