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unemployed 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(of a person) Without a paid job but available to work,
  1. (of a person) Without a paid job but available to work
    • - I was unemployed for three years
    • - a training program for the long-term unemployed
  2. (of a thing) Not in use

  1. not engaged in a gainful occupation; "unemployed workers marched on the capital"
  2. unemployed people: people who are involuntarily out of work (considered as a group); "the long-term unemployed need assistance"
  3. (unemployment) the state of being unemployed or not having a job; "unemployment is a serious social evil"; "the rate of unemployment is an indicator of the health of an economy"
  4. Unemployment occurs when a person is able and willing to work but currently is without work. The prevalence of unemployment is usually measured using the unemployment rate, which is defined as the percentage of those in the labor force who are unemployed. ...
  5. Unemployed people; Having no job (despite being able and willing to work)
  6. (unemployment) The state of having no job; joblessness; The phenomenon of joblessness in an economy; The level of joblessness in an economy, often measured as a percentage of the workforce; A type of joblessness due to a particular economic mechanism; An instance or period of joblessness
  7. (Unemployment) The unemployed comprise all persons above a specified age, who during the reference period were: i) without work, i.e. were not in paid employment or self-employment during the reference period; ii) currently available for work, i.e. ...
  8. (unemployment) The economic condition of members of the labor force who wish to work but cannot find a job.
  9. (Unemployment) when people are willing and able to work, but do not have jobs. Government tries to lower unemployment to provide economic security to workers. Government tries to control the behavior of consumers, producers and other entities through the creation and enforcement of regulation
  10. (unemployment) A measurement reflecting the number of people actively looking for, but unable to find work.
  11. (Unemployment) 2006. Does not include seasonal variations and the grey economy. Data from the United Nations Mission in Kosovo, and the Employment Strategy for Kosovo 2005-2008 (Provisional Institutions of Self-Government, local Ministry of Labour).
  12. (Unemployment) 9.1% (2000, understated^[citation needed])
  13. (Unemployment) A form of occupational disruption (if short term) or occupational deprivation (if long term) caused by forces outside the individual, although individual responses to unemployment are important to consider. [10]
  14. (Unemployment) Persons 16 years of age or older are classified as unemployed if they do not have a job, have actively looked for work in the prior 4 weeks and are currently available for work. ...
  15. (Unemployment) The State of being available and able to work but unable to find a paid job. In practice, difficult to identify and measure. ...
  16. (Unemployment) The number of unemployed people in the UK is measured through the Labour Force Survey following the internationally agreed definition recommended by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). ...
  17. (Unemployment) The usual alternative to overwork.
  18. (Unemployment) When an individual is available for work, but is currently without work. The Government of Canada’s program of Employment Insurance (EI) provides Regular Benefits to individuals who lose their jobs through no fault of their own (for example, due to shortage of work, seasonal or ...
  19. (Unemployment) in generally, this refers to the idle resources of the economy. In a more specific term, however, this refers to the unemployed labor resource, which is measured by the unemployment rate during a particular period of time.
  20. (Unemployment) insurance keeps an available supply of workers for the McJobs, while the employers' choice of management techniques (low wages and benefits, few chances for advancement) is made with the existence of unemployment insurance in mind.
  21. (Unemployment) the amount of people in the economy that are looking for work but have not found work
  22. (unemployment) voluntary or gainful idleness
  23. Not currently employed. This could include people looking for work, or people engaged in other activities such as homemakers, students or volunteers.
  24. An RN or LPN/VN who does not receive compensation for work. This includes individuals who are (a) seeking employment that requires licensure and/or educational preparation as a nurse, or (b) seeking employment that does not require licensure and/or educational preparation as a nurse.
  25. Looking for work during the past 30 days or on layoff from a job.