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undermine 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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undermined, past participle; undermined, past tense; undermines, 3rd person singular present; undermining, present participle;
  1. Erode the base or foundation of (a rock formation)

  2. Dig or excavate beneath (a building or fortification) so as to make it collapse

  3. Damage or weaken (someone or something), esp. gradually or insidiously
    • - this could undermine years of hard work

  1. sabotage: destroy property or hinder normal operations; "The Resistance sabotaged railroad operations during the war"
  2. cave: hollow out as if making a cave or opening; "The river was caving the banks"
  3. Undermine can refer to
  4. Undermine is the name of a fictional character in the Transformers universes.
  5. Warcraft is a franchise of video games, novels and other media originally created by Blizzard Entertainment.
  6. (Undermining (chess)) Undermining (also known as Removal of the Guard) is a chess tactic in which a defensive piece is captured, leaving one of the opponent's pieces undefended or underdefended. The opponent has the unpalatable choice between recapturing or saving the underdefended piece. ...
  7. (Undermined) usually refers to a portion of a tooth that is not supported by underlying structure usually a cusp that has a large filling next to it, making it vulnerable to fracture.
  8. (Undermining) A closed passageway under the surface of the skin that is open only at the skin surface. Generally it appears as an area of skin ulceration at the margins of the ulcer with skin overlying the area. Undermining often develops from shearing forces.
  9. (Undermining) An underground mine that extends under a building, town or roadway.
  10. (undermining) a subterranean variation of claim jumping in the goldfields of Victoria, involved digging into the adjoining claim. Some diggers took to sleeping in their workings to guard against unwanted fossickers.
  11. To separate skin and fat from underlying tissue.
  12. “Undermine” is common in all sections of the GRE, not just difficult sections. It can pop up in reading comprehension answer choices just as commonly as text completion questions.
  13. to separate layers of tissue
  14. to call into question
  15. to weaken or wear away