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unconscious 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Not conscious,
  1. Not conscious
    • - the boy was beaten unconscious
  2. Done or existing without one realizing
    • - he would wipe back his hair in an unconscious gesture of annoyance
  3. Unaware of
    • - “What is it?” he said again, unconscious of the repetition
  1. The part of the mind that is inaccessible to the conscious mind but that affects behavior and emotions

  1. not conscious; lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception as if asleep or dead; "lay unconscious on the floor"
  2. unconscious mind: that part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unaware
  3. without conscious volition
  4. unconscious(p): (followed by `of') not knowing or perceiving; "happily unconscious of the new calamity at home"- Charles Dickens
  5. (unconsciously) without awareness; "she jumped up unconsciously when he entered the room"
  6. (unconsciousness) a state lacking normal awareness of the self or environment
  7. (Unconsciously) The unconscious mind is a term coined by the 18th century German philosophy romantic philosopher Sir Christopher Riegel and later introduced into English by the poet and essayist Samuel Taylor Coleridge. ...
  8. Unconsciousness, more appropriately referred to as loss of consciousness or lack of consciousness, is a dramatic alteration of mental state that involves complete or near-complete lack of responsiveness to people and other environmental stimuli. ...
  9. (unconsciously) Our brains are actually doing lots of thinking that we are not aware of.  Sometimes when we focus on the solution too hard, we neglect these very critical parts of our brain.  Take a break and let the unconscious mind think about your assignment for a little while.
  10. (Unconsciousness (as a state of being)) A state wherein people experience a significant disconnection within one or more of the five internal and or external sensory feeds. Any significant lack of awareness which leads to an inability to visualize movement. ...
  11. (Unconsciousness) Interruption of the brain's normal activity so that it is no longer aware of its surroundings.
  12. A central psychic zone defined by Freudian psychology. For Sigmund Freud, human behavior are driven by forces of the unconscious. To varying degrees all three components of the human psyche -- the id, the ego, and the superego -- all work in the unconscious.
  13. that which is repressed out of awareness. Its core is instinct-representations consisting of wish-impulses. Also, see Id.
  14. Any condition wherein the incarnated human Soul is identified with a portion of its instrument (i.e., mind, desire-feeling nature and body) rather than as its identity as the Self.
  15. Freud argues that aspects of our conscious life which are socially/culturally taboo or forbidden, or which are traumatic, become repressed. The Unconscious is thus constructed out of repressed instincts, desires, fears and anxieties. ...
  16. Broad examines issues surrounding “the unconscious” at some length in The Mind and Its Place in Nature. His objective is to capture a (literal) sense in which an experiential mental state may be said to be unconscious. ...
  17. A term which has two possible interpretations: (a) as synonymous with a totally diminished awareness of the external world, as in stuporor coma, or (b) as a psychological term for those forces and drives which are not normally available to the person's awareness due to the forces of repression.
  18. Mental activity of which the person engaging in it is not aware; hence a presumed source of unknown internal influences over the conduct of human agent. ...
  19. in Freud's theory, portion of the psyche that cannot be directly accessed by the unconscious, repressing urges, impulses and thoughts, which may filter into conscious awareness directly or in symbolic form.
  20. The part of myself that doesn’t exist and that I don’t want pointed out to me.
  21. the vast, unknowable, unexaminable part of the mind (which Freud calls a "dynamic structure" in conflict with itself).  The unconscious is much larger than consciousness. ...
  22. thoughts, memories, impulses, desires, and feelings which we are not aware of but influence our emotions and behavior in some subtle way.
  23. "Trance Mediums" who must go into a state of deep relaxation, wherein the conscious mind of the channel will actually "go away somewhere" while the entity who is speaking has control of the voice and/or body.
  24. the part of the psychic apparatus that does not ordinarily enter the individual's awareness but may be manifested by slips of the tongue, dreams, or neurotic symptoms.
  25. experiences which become too difficult to confront and so become hidden from the surface workings of life