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uncertainties 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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uncertainties, plural;
  1. The state of being uncertain
    • - times of uncertainty and danger
  2. Something that is uncertain or that causes one to feel uncertain
    • - financial uncertainties

  1. (uncertainty) being unsettled or in doubt or dependent on chance; "the uncertainty of the outcome"; "the precariousness of his income"
  2. (uncertainty) doubt: the state of being unsure of something
  3. (Uncertainty (film)) Uncertainty is a 2008 indie drama film written, produced, and directed by American independent filmmakers Scott McGehee and David Siegel, and starring Lynn Collins and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. It was first released at the 2008 Toronto International Film Festival.
  4. (Uncertainty) An expression of the degree to which a value (eg, the future state of the climate system) is unknown. Uncertainty can result from lack of information or from disagreement about what is known or even knowable. ...
  5. (Uncertainty (Genuine Uncertainty)) While risk is a form of uncertainty that has a well-grounded (quantitative) probability, genuine uncertainty cannot be ascribed a probability. ...
  6. (UNCERTAINTY) The degree to which the measured value of some quantity is estimated to vary from the true value. ...
  7. (Uncertainty) Lack of sure knowledge or predictability because of randomness.
  8. (Uncertainty) a situation in which an individual has incomplete information as to what is going to happen in the future. Economists sometimes distinguish between risk and uncertainty. ...
  9. (UNCERTAINTY) one of five criteria for wisdom; a willingness to accept that there may be no one correct solution
  10. (Uncertainty) A characteristic of a system or decision where the probabilities that certain states or outcomes have occurred or may occur is not precisely known. A concept that reflects a lack of confidence about something, including forecasts. ...
  11. (Uncertainty) A condition where the outcome can only be estimated due to incomplete or imperfect knowledge of the area / subject in question. In practice, uncertainty impacts upon the quality of risk assessments by managers.
  12. (Uncertainty) A lack of knowledge about stochastic events and the ecological and social processes that affect fish.
  13. (Uncertainty) A measure of the amount of doubt or distrust with which the data should be used.
  14. (Uncertainty) A situation in which a decision maker has neither certainty nor reasonable probability estimates available.
  15. (Uncertainty) Arises when the outcomes of courses of action are indeterminate or subject to doubt.
  16. (Uncertainty) Committee considered concerns that the bill would lead to greater business uncertainty were overstated, but did recommend that the ACCC and ASIC issue guidelines on the bill’s provisions
  17. (Uncertainty) Contrasts with a trend. A trend is something that's gradually happening. An uncertainty is a trend or event that has a reasonable chance of happening. If it does happen, and it will make a major difference, it's known as a critical uncertainty. ...
  18. (Uncertainty) Describes situations where potential outcomes cannot be estimated based on historical events.
  19. (Uncertainty) Estimates of future performance always entail uncertainty, the inverse of confidence. It is useful to quantify the uncertainty to perform Sensitivity Analysis, demonstrating the possible impacts of different levels of performance. See Sensitivity Analysis.
  20. (Uncertainty) Failure to know anything that may be relevant for an economic decision, such as future variables, details of a technology, or sales. In models, uncertainty usually appears as a random variable and corresponding probability density function. ...
  21. (Uncertainty) In the case of an attempted determining event or a condition subsequent, if the determining event of the condition subsequent is not clearly defined it will fail as either a determining event or a condition subsequent.
  22. (Uncertainty) Lack of information about object of interest. For example there might be known the set of possible states X={x,y,z,...} of the object, but exact state is unknown. ...
  23. (Uncertainty) Randomness in the cause and timing of ill health.
  24. (Uncertainty) Synonym: error. A measure of the the inherent variability of repeated measurements of a quantity. ...
  25. (Uncertainty) The lack of confidence in the estimate of a variable's magnitude or probability of occurrence.