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unbeatable 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Not able to be defeated or exceeded in a contest or commercial market,
  1. Not able to be defeated or exceeded in a contest or commercial market
    • - the shop sells bikes at unbeatable prices
  2. Extremely good; outstanding
    • - views from the patio are unbeatable

  1. hard to defeat; "an unbeatable ball team"
  2. invincible: incapable of being overcome or subdued; "an invincible army"; "her invincible spirit"
  3. (The Unbeatables) The Unbeatables is a Chinese drama serial produced by Singapore's Mandarin channel, Channel 8.
  4. (unbeatableness) The quality of being unbeatable, unbeatability
  5. A colloquialism for a contract, which can not be defeated by any means.