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types, plural;
  1. Write (something) on a typewriter or computer by pressing the keys
    • - he typed out the second draft
    • - I am learning how to type
  2. Determine the type to which (a person or their blood or tissue) belongs
    • - the kidney was typed
  1. A category of people or things having common characteristics
    • - this type of heather grows better in a drier habitat
    • - blood types
  2. A person, thing, or event considered as a representative of such a category
    • - it's not the type of car I'd want my daughter to drive
    • - I'm an adventurous type
  3. A person of a specified character or nature
    • - professor types in tweed
  4. The sort of person one likes or finds attractive
    • - she's not really my type
  5. An abstract category or class of linguistic item or unit, as distinct from actual occurrences in speech or writing

  6. A person or thing symbolizing or exemplifying the ideal or defining characteristics of something
    • - she characterized his witty sayings as the type of modern wisdom
  7. An object, conception, or work of art serving as a model for subsequent artists

  8. An organism or taxon chosen as having the essential characteristics of its group

  9. Printed characters or letters
    • - bold or italic type
  10. A piece of metal with a raised letter or character on its upper surface, for use in letterpress printing

  11. Such pieces collectively

  12. A design on either side of a medal or coin

  13. A foreshadowing in the Old Testament of a person or event of the Christian tradition

  1. a subdivision of a particular kind of thing; "what type of sculpture do you prefer?"
  2. write by means of a keyboard with types; "type the acceptance letter, please"
  3. character: a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities); "a real character"; "a strange character"; "a friendly eccentric"; "the capable type"; "a mental case"
  4. identify as belonging to a certain type; "Such people can practically be typed"
  5. (biology) the taxonomic group whose characteristics are used to define the next higher taxon
  6. printed characters; "small type is hard to read"
  7. In biology, a type is one particular specimen (or in some cases a group of specimens) of an organism to which the scientific name of that organism is formally attached. A type is an example which serves to anchor or centralize the defining features of that particular taxon. ...
  8. In computer programming, a data type (or datatype) is a classification identifying one of various types of data, such as floating-point, integer, or Boolean, stating the possible values for that type, the operations that can be done on that type, and the way the values of that type are stored.
  9. The word Type followed by a number is a common way to name a weapon or product in a production series, similar in meaning to "Mark". "Type" was used extensively by the Japanese military beginning in the 1920s, and is currently in use by the Chinese military. ...
  10. In mathematics, logic and computer science, type theory is any of several formal systems that can serve as alternatives to naive set theory, or the study of such formalisms in general. ...
  11. In metaphysics, a type is a category of being. Human is a type of thing; cloud is a type of thing (entity); and so on. A particular instance of a type is called a token of that thing; so Socrates was a token of a human being, but is not any longer since he is dead. ...
  12. In model theory and related areas of mathematics, a type is a consistent set of first-order formulas in a language with free variables which are true of a sequence of elements of an -structure . Loosely speaking, types describe possible elements of a mathematical structure. ...
  13. A grouping based on shared characteristics; a class; An individual considered typical of its class; An individual that represents the ideal for its class; an embodiment; A letter or character used for printing, historically a cast or engraved block. ...
  14. (typal) of, relating to, or being a type; typical
  15. (Types) (elements, structures, table types): Types are created in ABAP programs. The structure of a type can be defined globally in ABAP programs. Changes to a type automatically take effect in all the programs using the type.
  16. ("types") This is another vestigial word that is added to sentences for no reason whatsoever. The most famous example is: "OK types". Lately "types" is often being pronounced as "taaps", a sign of the live and ever-changing nature of IITB slang.
  17. (TYPES) Silastic catheters have been recommended for short-term catheterization after surgery because they are known to decrease incidence of urethritis. However, due to lower cost and acceptable outcomes, latex is the catheter of choice for long-term catheterization. ...
  18. (TYPES) There are three main types of cancer arising in the kidneys.
  19. (Types (Of Bulb)) The designation used for bulbs is that of a letter or letters to indicate the shape, and then a number to show the size. In the United States, light bulbs are measured in eighths of an inch around their maximum diameter.
  20. (Types) (NP p. 2-3): Jung's archetypes, or Joseph Campbell's mythic prototypes like "the Hero, the Shape-Shifter, the Wise Old Man, the Shadow, the Trickster, the Elixir" etc.
  21. (Types) (Required) -- A vocabulary may be associated with one or more node types. So, an administrator might declare that a particular vocabulary is to be associated with stories and blogs, but not book pages. ...
  22. (Types) (tab page)- Shows more specific words for the lookup word - "flower" has "daisy" as one of its types.
  23. (Types) A daily newspaper is issued every day, sometimes with the exception of Sundays and some national holidays. Saturday and, where they exist, Sunday editions of daily newspapers tend to be larger, include more specialized sections and advertising inserts, and cost more. ...
  24. (Types) Conifers tend to concentrate growth in a central trunk from which many small branches are offset, producing a conical crown. They are usually evergreen, an adaptation fitting them for difficult environments by allowing internal recycling of nutrients from old to new foliage. ...
  25. (Types) One of two types rack and pinion or recirculating ball, the latter more commonly used on domestic applications.