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traits, plural;
  1. A distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically one belonging to a person
    • - he was a letter-of-the-law man, a common trait among coaches
  2. A genetically determined characteristic

  1. a distinguishing feature of your personal nature
  2. Trait is the first and only EP by the industrial rock/metal band Pailhead. The original EP was released in 1988, containing the first four songs in a slightly different order. ...
  3. In computer programming, a trait is a collection of methods, used as a "simple conceptual model for structuring object oriented programs". ...
  4. A statistic (or stat) in role-playing games is a piece of data which represents a particular aspect of a fictional character. That piece of data is usually a (unitless) integer or, in some cases, a set of dice.
  5. an identifying characteristic, habit or trend; In object-oriented programming, an uninstantiable collection of methods that provides functionality to a class by using the class’s own interface
  6. (traits) Ways of looking, thinking, or being. Traits that are genetic are passed down through the genes from parents to offspring.
  7. (Traits) Enduring predispositions toward having particular cognitive, affective and behaviorally expressed states.  The components of personality.
  8. (Traits) Keywords underneath the title which other card effects may act upon. The base traits are Animal, Human, Place, Robot, and Thing.
  9. (Traits) are physical characteristics that consistent responses to situations or information (Spencer and Spencer, 1993).
  10. (Traits) ways a character is described on paper including health levels, skills, etc.
  11. (traits) (TRATES): qualities that make one organism different from another
  12. (traits) refers to the physical characteristics (such as a triangular-shaped face) or functional abnormalities (such as delayed gastric emptying) that appear more often in a child with the specific disorder than in a child in the general population.
  13. A vocationally relevant attribute or characteristic which permits a person to properly perform a work activity. Traits are relevant whether learned or innate. Traits are not skills. ...
  14. A particular aspect of the phenotype that can be measured or observed directly, e.g. blood flow or body color.
  15. A feature that is genetically controlled.
  16. a characteristic or aspect of one's phenotype or genotype.
  17. The physical or metabolic phenotype of an organism such as red flower color and length of stem in plants and black fur or pink eye in mice. See also phenotype and genotype.
  18. phenotypic attribute that includes both external or physiological characteristics of an organism as determined by its inherited genes, by genetic modification, or as modified by its environment.
  19. An attribute or character of an individual within a species for which heritable differences can be defined.
  20. A specific feature traced to an identifiable gene or group of genes. Pea traits traceable to single genes include vine growth (bush or tall), seed texture (smooth or wrinkled) and disease resistance (fusarium, enation mosaic, and powdery mildew).
  21. any discrete cultural element; or, one aspect of the phenotype.
  22. (French : trait) Element transmitted by heredity. Recessive character present in a heterozygote form, like for instance the thalassemia trait.
  23. A class-like encapsulation of state (fields) and behavior (methods) that is used for mixin composition. Zero or more traits can be mixed into class declarations or when creating instances directly, effectively creating an anonymous class.
  24. characteristics of an organism that can be the result of genes and/or influenced by the environment. Traits can be physical like hair color or the shape and size of a plant leaf. Traits can also be behaviors such as birds building nests.
  25. Any artifact or recognizable characteristic that reflects human activity or behavior.