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thrashing 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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thrashing, present participle; thrashes, 3rd person singular present; thrashed, past tense; thrashed, past participle;
  1. Beat (a person or animal) repeatedly and violently with a stick or whip
    • - she thrashed him across the head and shoulders
    • - what he needs is a good thrashing
  2. Hit (something) hard and repeatedly
    • - the wind screeched and the mast thrashed the deck
  3. Make a repeated crashing by or as if by hitting something
    • - the surf thrashed and thundered
  4. Move in a violent and convulsive way
    • - he lay on the ground thrashing around in pain
    • - she thrashed her arms, attempting to swim
  5. Struggle in a wild or desperate way to do something
    • - two months of thrashing around on my own have produced nothing
  6. Defeat (someone) heavily in a contest or match
    • - I thrashed Pete at cards
    • - the Braves were thrashed 8–1 by the Mets
  7. Move with brute determination or violent movements
    • - I wrench the steering wheel back and thrash on up the hill

  1. a sound defeat
  2. beating: the act of inflicting corporal punishment with repeated blows
  3. In computer science, thrashing is a situation where large amounts of computer resources are used to do a minimal amount of work, with the system in a continual state of resource contention. ...
  4. action of the verb to thrash; a beating, especially a severe one; excessive paging within virtual storage; slam-dancing
  5. (thrashed) when a wave bashes you
  6. Condition in which the combined working set of the programs a time-sharing system is attempting to run simultaneously exceeds the physical memory available, so that the system spends most of its time generating and servicing page faults. First named by Peter Denning. ...
  7. (n.) a phenomenon of virtual memory systems that occurs when the program, by the manner in which it is referencing its data and instructions, regularly causes the next memory locations referenced to be overwritten by recent or current instructions. ...
  8. Clicking helter skelter around an interative computer screen in search of hidden buttons that might trigger actions. (Found in the manual to the CD-ROM game Myst.)
  9. an effect seen when a computer runs out of memory; programs spend most of their time moving virtual memory pages to and from disk instead of getting work done.
  10. To move about violently. Moving about wildly or violently.
  11. A condition in a virtual storage system where an excessive proportion of CPU time is spent moving data between main and auxiliary storage.
  12. Accessing data from different parts of memory, causing frequent loads of pages of memory into cache. Using random access on an array might be an example.
  13. Excessive paging activity causing low processor utilization that occurs when a process's memory allocation is smaller than its working set. This results in poor performance, as the process spends most of its time waiting as pages are transferred between secondary storage and main memory.
  14. when a team wins by a big margin
  15. a flogging; whipping