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terms, plural;
  1. Give a descriptive name to; call by a specified name
    • - he has been termed the father of modern theology
  1. A word or phrase used to describe a thing or to express a concept, esp. in a particular kind of language or branch of study
    • - the musical term “leitmotiv”
    • - a term of abuse
  2. Language used on a particular occasion; a way of expressing oneself
    • - a protest in the strongest possible terms
  3. A word or words that may be the subject or predicate of a proposition

  4. A fixed or limited period for which something, e.g., office, imprisonment, or investment, lasts or is intended to last
    • - the president is elected for a single four-year term
  5. The duration of a person's life

  6. The completion of a normal length of pregnancy
    • - the pregnancy went to full term
    • - low birthweight at term
  7. A tenancy of a fixed period

  8. A boundary or limit, esp. of time

  9. Each of the periods in the year, alternating with holidays or vacations, during which instruction is given in a school, college, or university, or during which a court holds sessions
    • - the summer term
    • - term starts tomorrow
  10. Conditions under which an action may be undertaken or agreement reached; stipulated or agreed-upon requirements
    • - the union and the company agreed upon the contract's terms
    • - he could only be dealt with on his own terms
  11. Conditions with regard to payment for something; stated charges
    • - loans on favorable terms
  12. Agreed conditions under which a war or other dispute is brought to an end
    • - a deal in Bosnia that could force the Serbs to come to terms
  13. Each of the quantities in a ratio, series, or mathematical expression

  1. a word or expression used for some particular thing; "he learned many medical terms"
  2. name formally or designate with a term
  3. a limited period of time; "a prison term"; "he left school before the end of term"
  4. condition: (usually plural) a statement of what is required as part of an agreement; "the contract set out the conditions of the lease"; "the terms of the treaty were generous"
  5. any distinct quantity contained in a polynomial; "the general term of an algebraic equation of the n-th degree"
  6. one of the substantive phrases in a logical proposition; "the major term of a syllogism must occur twice"
  7. In Classical architecture a term or terminal figure is a human head and bust that continues as a square tapering pillarlike form. ...
  8. A terminal emulator, terminal application, term, or tty for short, is a program that emulates a video terminal within some other display architecture. ...
  9. An academic term is a division of an academic year, the time during which a school, college or university holds classes. These divisions may be called terms. The schedule adopted by institutions of learning or education systems vary widely.
  10. Terminology is the study of terms and their use. Terms are words and compound words that are used in specific contexts. Not to be confused with "terms" in colloquial usages, the shortened form of technical terms (or terms of art) which are defined within a discipline or speciality field. ...
  11. A contractual term is "Any provision forming part of a contract" Each term gives rise to a contractual obligation, breach of which can give rise to litigation. Not all terms are stated expressly and some terms carry less legal gravity as they are peripheral to the objectives of the contract.
  12. First-order logic is a formal logical system used in mathematics, philosophy, linguistics, and computer science. It goes by many names, including: first-order predicate calculus, the lower predicate calculus, quantification theory, and predicate logic. ...
  13. A limitation, restriction or regulation; A word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge; Relations among people; A part of a year, especially one of the three parts of an academic year; any value (variable or constant) or expression separated from another term by a + or - ...
  14. (termly) Occurring every term
  15. The length of time the interest rate is fixed. It also indicates when the principal balance becomes due and payable to the lender.
  16. Period for which the policy runs. In life insurance, this is to the end of the term period for term insurance.
  17. The number of years it will take to pay off a loan.
  18. The life of the loan. The period of time between the beginning loan date on the legal documents and the date the entire balance of the loan is due.
  19. The actual life of a mortgage, at the end of which the mortgage becomes due and payable unless the lender renews the mortgage.
  20. The number of years before your loan is scheduled to be paid off. 15-year and 30-year terms are most common.
  21. The period of time between the commencement date an termination date of a note, mortgage, legal document, or the contract.
  22. The period in which a mortgage is taken out.
  23. Refers to the agreed period of years (eg., 5, 10, 15) for which a franchise is granted through the Agreement.
  24. The time to the maturity of a loan or deposit, expressed in months or years.
  25. The period for which the conditions of the mortgage apply and after which must be renegotiated.