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temperature 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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temperatures, plural;
  1. The degree or intensity of heat present in a substance or object, esp. as expressed according to a comparative scale and shown by a thermometer or perceived by touch

  2. The degree of internal heat of a person's body
    • - I'll take her temperature
  3. A body temperature above the normal; fever
    • - he was running a temperature
  4. The degree of excitement or tension in a discussion or confrontation
    • - the temperature of the debate was lower than before

  1. the degree of hotness or coldness of a body or environment (corresponding to its molecular activity)
  2. the somatic sensation of cold or heat
  3. Temperature is a physical property that quantitatively expresses the common notions of hot and cold. Objects of low temperature are cold, while various degrees of higher temperatures are referred to as warm or hot.
  4. Temperature is a description of how thoroughly cooked a cut of meat is based on the color, juiciness and internal temperature when served. ...
  5. "Temperature" is a reggae-dancehall song written by Sean Paul for his third album The Trinity (2005). The song reached #1 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100, Sean Paul's third U.S. #1 along with "Get Busy" and "Baby Boy" with Beyoncé.
  6. "Temperature" is a single by Oakland Hip Hop group Zion I, released in 2005 on Live Up Records. The single features Talib Kweli. The single's B-side, "The Bay", became a hit locally in California and on college radio, and featured a music video.
  7. The state or condition of being tempered or moderated; The balance of humours in the body, or one's character or outlook as considered determined from this; temperament; A measure of cold or heat, often measurable with a thermometer; An elevated body temperature, as present in fever and many ...
  8. (Temperatures) for cooking and baking
  9. The temperature of the forging stock just prior to forging.
  10. The measure of the intensity of heat that a substance possesses.
  11. The measure of molecular motion or the degree of heat of a substance. It is measured on an arbitrary scale from absolute zero, where the molecules theoretically stop moving. It is also the degree of hotness or coldness. ...
  12. A measure of the speed of motion of a typical atom or molecule in a substance.
  13. A measurement of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a system.
  14. Temperature is a measure of the warmth or coldness of an object or substance with reference to a standard value. It can be measured in Kelvin (K), Fahrenheit (F), or Celsius (C).
  15. In astronomy, temperature is measured with the Kelvin scale (symbol K) which is equal to °C + 273°. Thus a midday Earth temperature of 20°C is equal to 293K and the Sun's surface temperature of 5500°C is about 5770K.
  16. In the Martian arctic region of the landing site, temperatures can change by as much as 50ºC from night to day since the thin Martian atmosphere does not have the insulating properties of Earth. An average temperature for Mars is about -60ºC. ...
  17. a measure of the warmth (or coolness) of air, water, or soil. Temperature is measured locally and can be aggregated across regions or the globe. Of course, a global average will not distinguish between usual temperatures in cold climates compared with warmer areas. ...
  18. Astronomers refer to temperature just like we do on Earth, but instead of dealing with measurements less than 50 degrees, like we see on the weather; they deal in thousands of degrees. Instead of Celsius or Fahrenheit, astronomers measure things in kelvin (K). ...
  19. A sub-section of Physical Data, on the Advanced tab. See Temperature in the User Guide for more information.
  20. A physical quantity characterising the mean random motion of molecules in a physical body.
  21. measured in degrees Celsius on site at 2m with an accuracy of ± 0.2ºC. (Vaisala HMP45A.) 10 second samples are averaged over 5 minutes.
  22. The amount of heat or cold. There are two different ways to measure temperature. In this manual when you see F, read "Fahrenheit", ("fair-n-hite"). That is the way the United States measures temperature; freezing equals 32º F and boiling water equals 212º F. ...
  23. the optimal temperature for development of P. falciparum is 30^oC [86^oF], while the optimal temperature for development of P. vivax is 25^oC [77^oF]. The time required for development of the sexual phases of the malaria parasite in the mosquito is 10-11 days at these temperatures.
  24. The degree of hotness or coldness. Water temperature will affect the efficiency of water treatment processes.  Low temperature decreases efficiency of treatment processes and high temperatures enhance the growth of nuisance organisms. This makes it a crucial component of treatment design.
  25. Temperature is the amount of heat (hotness or coldness) of an object or substance such as, you guessed it, air! Temperature can also be thought of as a measure of the speed of atoms and molecules. As energy is added, molecules and atoms move faster and the temperature increases. ...