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susceptibility 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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susceptibilities, plural;
  1. The state or fact of being likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing
    • - lack of exercise increases susceptibility to disease
  2. A person's feelings, typically considered as being easily hurt
    • - I was so careful not to offend their susceptibilities
  3. The ratio of magnetization to a magnetizing force

  1. the state of being susceptible; easily affected
  2. (susceptible) (often followed by `of' or `to') yielding readily to or capable of; "susceptible to colds"; "susceptible of proof"
  3. (Susceptible) In epidemiology a susceptible individual (sometimes known simply as a susceptible) is a member of a population who is at risk of becoming infected by a disease, or can not take a certain medicine, antibiotic, etc if he or she is exposed to the infectious agent.
  4. the condition of being susceptible; vulnerability; emotional sensitivity; electric susceptibility, a measure of how easily a dielectric polarizes in response to an external electric field (compare permittivity)
  5. (susceptible) A person who is vulnerable to being infected by a certain disease; likely to be affected by something; easily influenced or tricked; credulous; especially sensitive, especially to a stimulus
  6. (Susceptible) A person or animal not possessing sufficient resistance against a particular pathogenic agent to prevent contracting infection or disease when exposed to the agent.
  7. (Susceptible) Vulnerable or predisposed to a disease or infection.
  8. (Susceptible) Lacking the inherent ability to resist disease or attack by a given pathogen; not immune; prone to develop disease when infected by a pathogen.
  9. (Susceptible) being subject to infection or injury by a pathogen; non-immune.
  10. (Susceptible (non-immune)) A person who is not known to have become immune to the particular communicable disease in question by natural or artificial processes.
  11. (Susceptible) A feature or features of a plant that allow it to serve as a host to a parasitic plant.
  12. (Susceptible) Having little resistance to a specific infectious disease. Also used to describe an HIV strain that is not resistant to a particular anti-HIV drug.
  13. (Susceptible) If stress is present, disease is likely under given conditions.
  14. (Susceptible) This refers to any person who is not adequately immunized against or has no history of a particular disease and is, therefore, likely to contract the disease(s) in the event of exposure.
  15. (Susceptible) a crop that may be damaged or a weed that may be readily controlled by a recommended rate of herbicide.
  16. (Susceptible) prone to attack by an organism or substance.
  17. (susceptible) The characteristic of a host organism such that it is incapable of suppressing or retarding an injurious pathogen or other factor.
  18. (susceptible) people that haven't had the disease so they can get it
  19. (susceptible) vulnerable to or potentially able to contract a disease. Also refers to a microorganism that is vulnerable to the effects of a drug. Contrast with resistant.
  20. The sum of the qualities of a plant and causal agent that allows the development of the causal agent.
  21. The ratio of the intensity of magnetization to the magnetizing force, referenced to the value for a vacuum
  22. Increased likelihood of an adverse effect, often discussed in terms of relationship to a factor that can be used to describe a human subpopulation (e.g., life stage, demographic feature, or genetic characteristic).
  23. the likelihood a person has of being affected by a disease or condition.
  24. The inability of equipment/systems to perform without degradation in the presence of an electromagnetic disturbance. Susceptibility is often characterized as a lack of immunity. ...
  25. When individual or species will become ill or possibly die in the face of the stressful event or circumstances.