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summarize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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summarised, past participle; summarised, past tense; summarises, 3rd person singular present; summarizes, 3rd person singular present; summarizing, present participle; summarized, past tense; summarising, present participle; summarized, past participle;
  1. Give a brief statement of the main points of (something)
    • - these results can be summarized in the following table
    • - to summarize, there are three main categories

  1. sum up: give a summary (of); "he summed up his results"; "I will now summarize"
  2. be a summary of; "The abstract summarizes the main ideas in the paper"
  3. (summarization) the act of preparing a summary (or an instance thereof); stating briefly and succinctly
  4. "Summarize" is the first single released from Little Birdy's third album, Confetti. It was released on 10 April 2009, and the single made it to #54 on the ARIA charts .
  5. (Summarizing) Paraphrase is restatement of a text or passages, using other words. The term "paraphrase" derives via the Latin "paraphrasis" from the Greek para phraseïn, meaning "additional manner of expression". The act of paraphrasing is also called "paraphrasis."
  6. To prepare a summary of something; To give a recapitulation of the salient facts; to recapitulate or review
  7. (Summarization) A skill or technique of restating what the client has expressed during a series of counseling/therapy sessions.
  8. (Summarization) Consolidated data summarized on one or more dimensions, or axes.
  9. Summarizing is a process in which a reader synthesizes the important ideas in a text. Teaching students to summarize helps them generate main ideas, connect central ideas, eliminate redundant and unnecessary information, and remember what they read.
  10. (summarizing) the process of briefly recounting the main ideas of a piece of writing in a person’s own words, while omitting unimportant details.
  11. (Summarizing) A brief statement that contains the essential ideas of a longer passage or selection.
  12. (Summarizing) This strategy for understanding and retaining information has been the subject of extensive research. ...
  13. (summarizing) Creating a short description of a document or information object that includes its most salient features for a purpose. ...
  14. Summarizing functionality enables a user to just deal with the more central or important commonalities of content resources. When the content is quantitative this often takes the form of calculated descriptive statistic like the average. ...
  15. When you are asked to summarize or present a summarization, you should give in condensed form the main points or facts. All details, illustrations and elaboration are to be omitted.
  16. Make a summary of the essential points; sum up
  17. What this means exactly will depend upon the context.  It might be the same as a brief outline, or a brief discussion. Generally the term warns you that you should be as concise as possible in your answer. E.g. ...
  18. to concisely explain the main ideas or main points in your own words
  19. To encapsulate a number of responses into one coherent, usable message. Often done on controlled mailing lists or active Newsgroups to help reduce bandwidth.
  20. condense the main points using as few words as possible and written in own words
  21. give a brief, condensed account of the main ideas. Omit details and examples.
  22. Provide an abridged version of the main points in a lengthy document. Include concluding materials and avoid details.
  23. to give the substance of a statement in condensed form.
  24. Give the main points or essential facts in condensed form.
  25. 'State' (see above) the main features of an argument, omitting all superfluous detail and side-issues.