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subsidize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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subsidising, present participle; subsidised, past tense; subsidizing, present participle; subsidised, past participle; subsidized, past tense; subsidizes, 3rd person singular present; subsidized, past participle; subsidises, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Support (an organization or activity) financially
    • - it was beyond the power of a state to subsidize a business
  2. Pay part of the cost of producing (something) to reduce prices for the buyer
    • - the government subsidizes basic goods including sugar, petroleum, and wheat

  1. support through subsidies; "The arts in Europe are heavily subsidized"
  2. secure the assistance of by granting a subsidy, as of nations or military forces
  3. (subsidized) having partial financial support from public funds; "lived in subsidized public housing"
  4. (subsidization) money (or other benefits) obtained as a subsidy
  5. (subsidy) a grant paid by a government to an enterprise that benefits the public; "a subsidy for research in artificial intelligence"
  6. A subsidy (also known as a subvention) is a form of financial assistance paid to a business or economic sector. Most subsidies are made by the government to producers or distributors in an industry to prevent the decline of that industry (e.g. ...
  7. To assist someone or something by granting a subsidy
  8. (subsidy) financial support or assistance, such as a grant; money granted by parliament to the British Crown
  9. (Subsidized) Stafford Loans – the interest is paid by the government while the student is in school.
  10. (Subsidized) A loan for which a borrower is not responsible for the interest while in an in-school, grace or deferment status. Subsidized loans include Direct Subsidized, Direct Subsidized Consolidation Loans, Federal Subsidized Stafford Loans and Federal Subsidized Consolidation Loans.
  11. (Subsidized) Awarded on the basis of need. These loans are interest free during enrollment to an authorized period (Amounts range from $3500 as a Freshman, $4500 as a Sophomore, and $5,500 as a Junior/Senior). ...
  12. Subsidized and funded are interchangeable terms. This term usually refers to beds/rooms/suites that are partially paid for by the government.
  13. (Subsidies) A general term for aid to corporations, which of course does not exist, except when there are tax breaks, tax deferments, tax havens, tax loopholes available to insure the profitability of the company.  (see Welfare below)
  14. (Subsidies) Financial aid provided by the Center to individuals or a group of individuals to be competitive. The grant of subsidies is also aimed at improving their skills of those who benefit from the subsidies.
  15. (Subsidies) Financial payments from the government to primarily commodity crop producers. They were first created to protect our basic food supply during the Great Depression, but today subsidies are not necessarily going to the producers who most need assistance. ...
  16. (SUBSIDIES) Assistance available to certain low-income Medicare beneficiaries to pay all or part of their cost of enrolling in Part D.
  17. (SUBSIDIES) Government assistance to help low-income patients pay for basic services like health care.
  18. (Subsidies) 26. Canada will pay to the Province of Newfoundland the following subsidies:
  19. (Subsidies) A range of government interventions, usually financial, given to allow fishing to continue when it would not otherwise be economically viable.
  20. (Subsidies) Economic incentives to engage in an activity or purchase a product. Subsidies can work for or against environmental protection. Governments and utilities will sometimes offer subsidies for technologies that decrease energy or water use.
  21. (Subsidies) Government grants to local producers to assist in the production of particular crops or goods. Opponents of this kind of assistance argue that it is an inefficient use of resources as it makes the production of certain goods economically viable, when they otherwise would not be. ...
  22. (Subsidies) Grants of money made to either a seller or a buyer of a certain product or service, thereby altering the price or cost of that particular product or service to the recipient of the subsidy in a way which affects the output. ...
  23. (Subsidies) Incentives or guarantees given to dealers, usually in order to boost a car's residual value and/or cut interest rates (and thus reduce your monthly payments). A lease with subsidies is also called a "subvented" lease.
  24. (Subsidies) Payments or compensation for producers for low market prices creating artificial support for an industry to offset its cost for production.
  25. (Subsidies) Payments to producers or consumers designed to encourage an increase in output.