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subjective 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions,
  1. Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions
    • - his views are highly subjective
    • - there is always the danger of making a subjective judgment
  2. Dependent on the mind or on an individual's perception for its existence

  3. Of, relating to, or denoting a case of nouns and pronouns used for the subject of a sentence

  1. The subjective case

  1. taking place within the mind and modified by individual bias; "a subjective judgment"
  2. immanent: of a mental act performed entirely within the mind; "a cognition is an immanent act of mind"
  3. (subjectively) in a subjective way; "you cannot look at these facts subjectively"
  4. (subjectivity) judgment based on individual personal impressions and feelings and opinions rather than external facts
  5. In linguistics, a subjective pronoun is a personal pronoun that is used as the subject of a sentence. Subjective pronouns are usually in the nominative case for languages with a nominative-accusative alignment pattern.
  6. Pertaining to subjects as opposed to objects (A subject is one who perceives or is aware; an object is the thing perceived or the thing that the subject is aware of. ...
  7. (Subjectives) complaints or problems reported by the patient, one component of the disability rating; applies only to the California state system.
  8. (Subjectivity) Using a method that other people may not agree to, derived from one's own personal preferences.
  9. (Subjectivity) A reflection of the personżs mind, or thoughts, which is the result of his/her experiences, moods or attitudes.
  10. (Subjectivity) All thinking is based on time and space - must necessarily refer to a person or a thing, an event or experience concerning the thing or the person. But time and space do not exist objectively. ...
  11. (Subjectivity) As articulated by Roberta Trites, subjectivity "implies that every individual is multiply constructed by a variety of socioloinguistic forces that act upon her or him." We have no one "identity. ...
  12. (Subjectivity) Writing that expresses the author's personal feelings about his subject, and which may or may not include factual information about the subject. ...
  13. (Subjectivity) is another notion sometimes equated with the qualitative or the phenomenal aspects of consciousness in the literature, but again there are good reason to recognize it, at least in some of its forms, as a distinct feature of consciousness — related to the qualitative and the ...
  14. (subjectivity (in the labour process)) an approach that focuses on the active strategies that all organizational members develop in their work, and through which they construct aspects of social identity. ...
  15. (subjectivity) The continually changing views that people take of themselves and the world around them. In cultural studies these views are seen as the product of ideology and discourse and not some stable factor resulting from innate characteristics (as argued in essentialism). ...
  16. (subjectivity) personal, private in origin
  17. (subjectivity) private consciousness, inner feelings and thoughts. return
  18. Subjectivity exists when the phenomena of interest are described or interpreted in personal terms related to one’s attitudes, beliefs or opinions.
  19. How everything is viewed by existentialism: nothing is certain, it is all opinion, bias, and prejudice.
  20. a subjective assessment is one that is based on criteria that exist only or principally in the assessor. Two subjective assessors assessing the same item might differ widely in their assessment.
  21. existing only in the perceiving mind; as existing in thought; in Spinoza, as the object of thought.
  22. Section in a progress note where a patient's account of their current problem is documented. Consists of chief complaint, HPI and ROS.
  23. depending on judgement, a matter of individual opinion; for contrast with objective.
  24. Produced by the mind and determined by the thoughts or temperament of the subject.
  25. The subjective in philosophical discussions is typically used to refer to something that is personal or individual, such as an individual's subjective (e.g., personal) truth. In many philosophical discourses, it goes beyond just the personal to the embodied. ...