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student 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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students, plural;
  1. A person who is studying at a school or college

  2. Denoting someone who is studying in order to enter a particular profession
    • - a group of student nurses
  3. A person who takes an interest in a particular subject
    • - a student of the free market

  1. a learner who is enrolled in an educational institution
  2. scholar: a learned person (especially in the humanities); someone who by long study has gained mastery in one or more disciplines
  3. The word student is etymologically derived through Middle English from the Latin second-type conjugation verb studēre, meaning "to direct one's zeal at"; hence a student could be described as "one who directs zeal at a subject". In its widest use, student is used for anyone who is learning.
  4. Christ Church (Ædes Christi, the temple or house of Christ, and thus sometimes known as The House), is one of the largest constituent colleges of the University of Oxford in England. ...
  5. STUDENT is an early artificial intelligence program that solves algebra word problems. It is written in Lisp by Daniel G Bobrow as his PhD thesis in 1964 (Bobrow 1964). It was designed to read and solve the kind of word problems found in high school algebra books. ...
  6. The Student is a weekly British independent newspaper produced by students at the University of Edinburgh. ...
  7. A person who studies a particular academic subject; A person seriously devoted to some subject, whether academic or not; A person enrolled at a university; A schoolchild
  8. (Students) Children and youth attending P–12 schools as distinguished from teacher candidates.
  9. (Students) 6th-8th graders; we don’t call them kids!
  10. (STUDENTS) Includes teachers, parents and other adults; all must be retrained. (See Lifelong learning.)
  11. (Students) A full- or part-time attendee of an educational institution or day care that is served by a well located within the target distance limit.
  12. (Students) All of the enrollees of a school including those who are not in band.
  13. (Students) Amber Ben M Ben O Charlotte Chris Christopher Danielle Ethan O Ethan S Fergus Fraser Hannah Harry Jessica Joyee Liam F Liam K Matthew Pippa Sam sophie
  14. (Students) Children under 26 years of age who attend an accredited educational or vocational institution on a full-time basis.
  15. (Students) Get an e-mail address that goes with you when you graduate.
  16. (Students) Many backpackers use it as a way to improve their English and struggle with at the beginning and find their way.
  17. (Students) Non-permanent entrants to Australia whose visa is for a specific period and for the purpose of undertaking formal or non-formal study.
  18. (Students) Reduced fares apply to students going to and from school activities, twelfth grade or lower, on weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. when a valid School ID is presented. Student fares are effective from the third week of August until the second week of June. ...
  19. (Students) Secondary to the staff members whom occupy a building are the students that study under a particular faculty. The role of a student in the Neenish mirror installation is to further facilitate healthy habits.
  20. (Students) the number of unique students (a student with a unique UID) enrolled in active classes within the selected date range (classes which have start dates before or during the selected date range and end dates during or after the selected date range)
  21. (Students) who are interested in game design, and either are at a school that doesn't teach it well or doesn't teach it at all (or maybe you just want a second opinion).
  22. (students) In external communications, always include College of Charleston on the first reference (e.g., He is currently a College of Charleston student).
  23. (students) Learners, but more often associated with those attending university or a longer course of study.
  24. 31 Students. 20 boys and 11 girls. 10 E0s; 10 RFP's 9 ELD4-5: 1 ELD2. GATE class - advanced learners
  25. Students come from the urban and rural areas of the Philippines, as well as from countries such as Korea, China, Singapore, Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Tanzania, Nigeria and Ghana.^[1]