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standstill 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A situation or condition in which there is no movement or activity at all,
  1. A situation or condition in which there is no movement or activity at all
    • - the traffic came to a standstill

  1. deadlock: a situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible; "reached an impasse on the negotiations"
  2. stand: an interruption of normal activity
  3. At a major lunar standstill, which takes place every 18.6 years, the range of the declination of the Moon reaches a maximum. As a result, at high latitudes, the Moon appears to move in just two weeks from high in the sky to low on the horizon. ...
  4. Standstill is a Spanish post-hardcore-band from Barcelona, formed in 1995.
  5. complete immobility; halt
  6. (of morality etc.): s. hána-bhágiya-síla. S. of existence: vivatta (q.v.).
  7. A commitment undertaken at the outset of a GATT negotiation to refrain .from legislating or implementing new trade-restricting or distorting actions inconsistent with GATT rules or principles, or actions that would improve a participant's negotiating position.
  8. He was run to a stand-still; i.e. till he could no longer move. Also broke or out of money.