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sociology 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society,
  1. The study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society

  2. The study of social problems

  1. the study and classification of human societies
  2. (sociological) of or relating to or determined by sociology; "sociological studies"
  3. (sociologist) a social scientist who studies the institutions and development of human society
  4. Sociology is the study of society. It is a social science—a term with which it is sometimes synonymous—which uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop and refine a body of knowledge about human social activity, often with the goal of applying such knowledge ...
  5. Sociology is a British, peer-reviewed academic journal, published by the British Sociological Association and SAGE Publications.
  6. The study of society, human social interaction, and the rules and processes that bind and separate people not only as individuals, but as members of associations, groups, and institutions
  7. (Sociological) 3 changes in the US market are expected to be mirrored in the domestic Japanese market as it fragments into niches. This fragmented market will likely be supplied by a variety of models with production levels on the order of 1,000 vehicles. ...
  8. (3. Sociological) blame shifting, hiding, alienation (Gen. 3:8, 12-13). Sin separates people.
  9. (Sociologist) a scientist who blames crime on everything and everyone, except the person who commits it.
  10. son or daughter/filial, mother/maternal, father/paternal, brother/fraternal, sister/sororal, wife/uxorial.
  11. (Soziologie) is the science that attempts to understand social action and to explain its course and effect.
  12. A term first proposed by Auguste Comte (1798–1857), a French positivist (see “Positivism”), to signify a suggested science that would develop the laws of human development according to the methods employed in the development of man’s knowledge of the natural sciences. ...
  13. globalization = communities, conflict, classes, nations, agreements
  14. Teacher who works with students to gain a basic understanding of social structure and institutions.
  15. A "modern science" that studies the patterns of thinking, speech, and behavior of groups.  However, there is no sociological norm, other than Scripture, to determine whether those activities are ethical or unethical.  "What is" can never determine an "ought."
  16. Sociology is the study of social life and behavior, especially in relation to SOCIAL SYSTEMS, how they work, how they change, the consequences they produce, and their complex relation to people’s lives. The term was first used by Auguste Comte.
  17. is the study of human cultures, communities, and societies. Sociology attempts to explain how a society works, whether that society is a native tribe in the Amazon or an old folks’ home in Nebraska.
  18. A scientific discipline dealing with human behaviour and its deviation from rationality. Provides rich pickings for those knowledgeable at it to discredit those who are not (see selection). See also selection, wishful thinking, prestige, obedience to authority.
  19. n. The enlightened liberal's way of reducing everyone to a collection of stereotypes.
  20. The religous application of economics.
  21. Denotes any educational game that attempts to teach sociology.
  22. Is a realm of study that looks at society and how it functions using very broad disciplines.  To the nonverbalist, sociology looks at the effects of body language on social order, its maintenance and its effects.
  23. examines social structures and processes in modern societies. Subjects of study include class, race, ethnicity and gender. Additionally, institutions such as family, education and religion are also analyzed.
  24. Theory and Sociology of Knowledge
  25. Social problems and human progress.