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socialist 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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socialists, plural;
  1. Adhering to or based on the principles of socialism
    • - the history of socialist movement
  1. A person who advocates or practices socialism

  1. socialistic: advocating or following the socialist principles; "socialistic government"
  2. a political advocate of socialism
  3. (socialism) an economic system based on state ownership of capital
  4. The Socialist was the newspaper of the Socialist Labour Party (SLP), a De Leonist organisation in Britain founded in 1903.
  5. The Socialist is the bimonthly national publication of the Socialist Party USA. As of Fall 2008, its editor is Billy Wharton, and its editorial board includes Mary-Alice Herbert, James Marra, Tina Phillips, Courtney Campbell, Steve Sears and Steve Rossignol.
  6. Socialism is an economic and political theory advocating public or common ownership and cooperative management of the means of production and allocation of resources.Newman, Michael. (2005) Socialism: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-280431-6
  7. (Socialism (book)) Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis is a book by Austrian School economist and libertarian thinker Ludwig von Mises, first published in German by Gustav Fischer Verlag in Jena in 1922 under the title Die Gemeinwirtschaft: Untersuchungen über den Sozialismus. ...
  8. (Socialism (Marxism)) In Marxist theory, socialism, or the socialist mode of production, refers to a specific historical phase of economic development and its corresponding set of social relations that eventually supersede capitalism. ...
  9. One who practices or advocates socialism; Of, promoting, practicing, or characteristic of socialism
  10. (socialism) A political system where the means of production are controlled by the workers and all things are shared evenly. Socialist policies provide for government funding of many basic needs in society.
  11. Socialism is a social order based on government ownership of industry and worker control over corporations as a way to prevent worker exploitation.
  12. (socialism) a system of property which satisfies these conditions:
  13. (Socialism) An economic system characterized by public ownership of the means of production, the pursuit of collective goals, and centralized decision making.
  14. (Socialism) An economic system in which the basic means of production are primarily owned and controlled collectively, usually by government under some system of central planning.
  15. (Socialism) a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole. ...
  16. (SOCIALISM) "Richard, Bill has the socialist disease in its worst form; he thinks the world owes him a living. He told me sincerely -- smugly! ...
  17. (116. socialism) type of economic system.  believes that all people should be equal and no one should make more $ than anyone else.  individuals don't own anything - the society owns everything together. ...
  18. (SOCIALISM) A political doctrine that upholds the principle of collectivity, rather than individualism, as the foundation for economic and social life. ...
  19. (SOCIALISM) An invented philosophy that promotes the spread of forced altruism, in which you are not allowed to live for your own purposes, but must live for the betterment of others. Unfortunately, those others don't seem to want to live for your betterment. ...
  20. (SOCIALISM) The core idea of socialism, in its democratic form, is that the working classes; that is, the majority, should form an extensive system of government which aims at securing all citizens the right to the equal satisfaction of vital needs. ...
  21. (SOCIALISM) n.  Man exploiting man. Capitalism: The reverse.
  22. (Socialism) "After the degeneration of the Russian Revolution after the mid-1920s, there has been a split in the revolutionary workers' movement and this has been reflected in a separate development of the theory and practice of communism. ...
  23. (Socialism) A general term for any social or political system organized around ensuring or increasing equality for all members of society. This can mean many things, from authoritarian central government control over a capitalist economy to full-fledged anarcho-communism.
  24. (Socialism) A political system that aims to create a society in which everyone has equal opportunities and in which the most important industries are owned or controlled by the whole community
  25. (Socialism) A social and economic structure where property and resources are owned by the government rather than by individuals or private companies.