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smog 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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smogs, plural;
  1. Fog or haze combined with smoke and other atmospheric pollutants

  1. air pollution by a mixture of smoke and fog
  2. Smog is a type of air pollution; the word "smog" is a portmanteau of smoke and fog. Modern smog is a type of air pollution derived from vehicular emission from internal combustion engines and industrial fumes that react in the atmosphere with sunlight to form secondary pollutants that also ...
  3. Bill Callahan (born 1966 in Silver Spring, Maryland), also known as Smog and (Smog), is an American singer-songwriter. Callahan began working in the lo-fi genre of underground rock, with home-made tape-albums recorded on four track tape recorders. ...
  4. A noxious mixture of particulates and gases that is the result of urban air pollution; To get a smog check; to check a vehicle or have it checked for emissions
  5. A local alteration in the atmosphere caused by human activity; mainly an urban problem that is often due to pollutants produced by fuel combustion.
  6. Pollution formed by the interaction of pollutants and sunlight (photochemical smog), usually restricting visibility, and occasionally hazardous to health.
  7. a dense, discolored radiation fog containing large quanities of soot, ash, and gaseous pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide, responsible for human respiratory ailments. ...
  8. Dust, smoke, or chemical fumes that pollute the air and make hazy, unhealthy conditions (literally, the word is a blend of smoke and fog). ...
  9. The term used to describe the combination of smoke and fog in the stagnant air of London; now often applied to photochemical pollution.
  10. a mixture of pollutants, principally ground-level ozone, produced by chemical reactions in the air involving smog-forming chemicals. A major portion of smog-formers come from burning of petroleum-based fuels such as gasoline. ...
  11. Smog (contraction for 'smoke fog') is a fog in which smoke or other forms of atmospheric pollutant have an important part in causing the fog to thicken, and have unpleasant and dangerous physiological effects.
  12. a haze-like form of air pollution produced by the photochemical reaction of sunlight with volatile organic compounds (including NMOG and NOx) that have been released into the atmosphere, especially by automobile emissions.
  13. Smog, derived from the words smoke and fog, describes a type of air pollution containing ozone and other reactive chemical compounds formed by the reaction between sunlight and hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides especially from automobile exhaust.
  14. Mixture of particulate matter and chemical pollutants in the lower atmosphere, usually over urban areas.
  15. a mix, in the air, of smoke and chemicals with fog
  16. This is a term used to describe a mixture of smoke and fog. Smog occurs when high concentrations of moisture is combined with smoke (often containing oxides of sulfur and nitrogen) in the presence of high temperatures or thermal inversions and the absence of wind. ...
  17. Mixture of polluting particles and water drops in the atmosphere that forms a thick fog in industrial regions.
  18. a mixture of smoke and fog produced by factory and domestic emissions which provide hygroscopic nuclei for condensation to occur onto.
  19. A pollution phenomenon occurring primarily in cities that is attributable to industrial and vehicular sources.
  20. Literally a contraction of "smoke" and "fog"; the colloquial term used for photochemical fog, which includes ozone and numerous other contaminants. Smog is usually adds a brownish haze to the atmosphere.
  21. A mixture of smoke and fog generally used as an equivalent of air pollution, particularly associated with oxidants.
  22. A combination of the words smoke and fog ; it has come to mean a polluting substance that remains suspended in the air. ...
  23. is a mix of particulate matter (tiny specks of dirt) and dirty gases that make our air unclean.
  24. Fog made darker and heavier by chemical fumes and smoke. A fog-like layer, often brown in color, that hangs over many areas under certain atmospheric conditions. ...
  25. A haze caused by the effect of sunlight on foggy air that has been polluted by vehicle exhaust gases and industrial smoke.