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slur 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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slurs, 3rd person singular present; slurred, past tense; slurring, present participle; slurred, past participle;
  1. Speak (words or speech) indistinctly so that the sounds run into one another
    • - he was slurring his words like a drunk
  2. (of words or speech) Be spoken in this way
    • - his speech was beginning to slur
  3. Pass over (a fact or aspect) so as to conceal or minimize it
    • - essential attributes are being slurred over or ignored
  4. Perform (a group of two or more notes) legato
    • - a group of slurred notes
  5. Mark (notes) with a slur

  6. Make damaging or insulting insinuations or allegations about
    • - try and slur the integrity of the police to secure an acquittal
  1. An insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation
    • - the comments were a slur on the staff
    • - a racial slur
  2. An act of speaking indistinctly so that sounds or words run into one another or a tendency to speak in such a way
    • - there was a mean slur in his voice
  3. A curved line used to show that a group of two or more notes is to be sung to one syllable or played or sung legato

  1. (music) a curved line spanning notes that are to be played legato
  2. play smoothly or legato; "the pianist slurred the most beautiful passage in the sonata"
  3. aspersion: a disparaging remark; "in the 19th century any reference to female sexuality was considered a vile aspersion"; "it is difficult for a woman to understand a man's sensitivity to any slur on his virility"
  4. speak disparagingly of; e.g., make a racial slur; "your comments are slurring your co-workers"
  5. smudge: a blemish made by dirt; "he had a smudge on his cheek"
  6. utter indistinctly
  7. A slur is a symbol in Western musical notation indicating that the notes it embraces are to be played without separation. ...
  8. Relaxed pronunciation (also called condensed pronunciation or word slurs) is a phenomenon that happens when the syllables of common words are slurred together. ...
  9. An insult or slight; A set of notes that are played legato, without separate articulation; The symbol indicating a legato passage, written as an arc over the slurred notes; To insult or slight; To run together; to articulate poorly; To play legato or without separate articulation
  10. (Slurs) against any ethnic group, sexual orientation, gender, etc. will NOT be tolerated and are grounds for immediate expulsion from the list.
  11. A slur is a curved line grouping notes together, and means the notes included in the slur should be played in the same bow . Unless otherwise indicated, notes in the slur should be played legato (smoothly). ...
  12. A curved line placed above or below two or more notes of different pitch to indicate that they are to be performed in legato style.
  13. A curved line over or under two or more notes of different pitch that indicate that those notes are to be played with a legato feel. Slightly accent the first note of a phrase getting gradually softer to the last note and leaving a small gap between each slur like a vocalists breath.
  14. To glide over (a series of notes) smoothly without a break, often used in combination with legato
  15. Marking in music, sort of a curved line above or below a group of notes, which indicates those notes are to be slurred, see Slurring.
  16. A condition caused by slippage at the moment of impression between the paper, plate or blanket.
  17. a curved line used to group two or more notes together; it can indicate that an instrumentalist should glide smoothly between the notes without clear distinctions between them, or that a singer should stretch a single syllable of text over the group of slurred notes.
  18. A smearing of ink that occurs in printing when there isn’t enough pressure on the blanket.
  19. playing two or more notes in a row without attacks or breaks.
  20. A term used to describe the resulting image when there is slippage between the plate and the substrate.
  21. is dynamically changing note from one tone position to another position without stopping the airflow. For example, changing from 5 to 4, 4 to 5, 2 to 1 etc.
  22. A printing defect caused by movement of the sheet, blanket, or plate on press, resulting in elongated, blurred (or slurred) halftone dots and fine line distortion.
  23. A curved line, below which or above which, all the notes are smoothly articulated together. Phrase breaks occur outside the slur. ...
  24. To slur, is a method of cheating at dice: also to cast a reflection on any one’s character, to scandalize.
  25. a single bowstroke that incorporates more than one note.