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significant 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy,
  1. Sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy
    • - a significant increase in sales
  2. Having a particular meaning; indicative of something
    • - in times of stress her dreams seemed to her especially significant
  3. Suggesting a meaning or message that is not explicitly stated
    • - she gave him a significant look
  4. Of, relating to, or having significance

  1. important in effect or meaning; "a significant change in tax laws"; "a significant change in the Constitution"; "a significant contribution"; "significant details"; "statistically significant"
  2. fairly large; "won by a substantial margin"
  3. too closely correlated to be attributed to chance and therefore indicating a systematic relation; "the interaction effect is significant at the .01 level"; "no significant difference was found"
  4. meaning(a): rich in significance or implication; "a meaning look"
  5. (significantly) importantly: in an important way or to an important degree; "more importantly, Weber held that the manifold meaning attached to the event by the social scientist could alter his definition of the concrete event itself"
  6. (Significance (journal)) Significance, established in 2004, is a magazine published quarterly by the Royal Statistical Society. The major part of the content consists of well-founded articles on topics of statistical interest, presented at a level suited to a general audience.
  7. (Significance (policy debate)) Significance is a stock issue in policy debate which establishes the importance of the harms in the status quo. ...
  8. (Significance (statistics)) In statistics, a result is called statistically significant if it is unlikely to have occurred by chance. The phrase test of significance was coined by Ronald Fisher. ...
  9. Signifying something; carrying meaning; Having a covert or hidden meaning; Having a noticeable or major effect; notable; Reasonably large in number or amount; Having a low probability of occurring by chance (for example, having high correlation and thus likely to be related)
  10. (significance) The extent to which something matters; importance; Meaning
  11. (significance) in heritage terms, the relative importance of one heritage object, place or practice when compared with another
  12. (SIGNIFICANCE) Greater attention to both terminology and methodology can enhance the quality of economic analyses and ultimately improve certain resource allocation decisions.
  13. (SIGNIFICANCE) 1. Relevance, importance or the presence of meaningful consequences. For example in environmental impact assessment, the significance of an impact should be estimated for parameters alongside estimates of magnitude and distribution. 2. ...
  14. (Significance) (Statistical vs. Practical): This is a critical concept in applied statistics and one that is probably not mentioned in theoretical statistics classes. Sure, we delineate a mark in which we have to say … these results are too extreme for us to attribute them to “chance” … ...
  15. (Significance) Because of their undemanding life requirements and their ability to develop on almost infertile sites, lichens are often the pioneers of vegetation. When they die off, they leave organic matter on which other plants can settle. ...
  16. (Significance) For tables in which trends over time were shown, statistically significant differences between estimates from two different time points (e.g., 2005 and 2006) were identified at two levels: 0.05 and 0.01. ...
  17. (Significance) Founder James (Jim) Greig
  18. (Significance) HELOC agreements allow homeowners to set up a line of credit to cover the cost of both everyday and major expenses. ...
  19. (Significance) Related to the materiality of the financial report assertion affected.
  20. (Significance) The relative importance of a matter within the context in which it is being considered, including quantitative and qualitative factors, such as magnitude, nature, effect, relevance, and impact. ...
  21. (Significance) The story, published in 2001 (a couple of years before the wiki boom), describes a hyper-specialized encyclopedia devoted to a single phenomenon, and criticizes the devotion to details, overshadowing the big picture. ...
  22. (Significance) when a statistical hypothesis is tested, it is declared true if a calculated probability exceeds a given value, referred to generally as the significance level.
  23. (significance) A statistical term used to define the likelihood of a particular result being produced by chance. Significance values for sequence similarity searches are expressed as probabilities (p values or e values) so that value of 0. ...
  24. (significance) Taking into account the planned mitigation measures, a determination as to whether an effect is likely to occur and whether the effect will be negative based on its magnitude, extent, frequency, irreversibility and ecological context.
  25. (significance) a word which is used in the special sense to denote any thought, decision, concept, idea, purpose or meaning in the mind in distinction to its masses. (The mind is basically composed of masses and significances.) See also mental mass.