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The quality of being worthy of attention; importance,
  1. The quality of being worthy of attention; importance
    • - adolescent education was felt to be a social issue of some significance
  2. The meaning to be found in words or events
    • - the significance of what was happening was clearer to me than to her
  3. The extent to which a result deviates from that expected to arise simply from random variation or errors in sampling

  1. the quality of being significant; "do not underestimate the significance of nuclear power"
  2. a meaning that is not expressly stated but can be inferred; "the significance of his remark became clear only later"; "the expectation was spread both by word and by implication"
  3. meaning: the message that is intended or expressed or signified; "what is the meaning of this sentence"; "the significance of a red traffic light"; "the signification of Chinese characters"; "the import of his announcement was ambiguous"
  4. (significant) important in effect or meaning; "a significant change in tax laws"; "a significant change in the Constitution"; "a significant contribution"; "significant details"; "statistically significant"
  5. (significant) fairly large; "won by a substantial margin"
  6. (significant) too closely correlated to be attributed to chance and therefore indicating a systematic relation; "the interaction effect is significant at the .01 level"; "no significant difference was found"
  7. Significance, established in 2004, is a magazine published quarterly by the Royal Statistical Society. The major part of the content consists of well-founded articles on topics of statistical interest, presented at a level suited to a general audience.
  8. Significance is a stock issue in policy debate which establishes the importance of the harms in the status quo. As a stock issue has fallen out of favor with the debate community almost all debaters and judges now believe that any plan which is preferable to the status quo is significant.
  9. In statistics, a result is called statistically significant if it is unlikely to have occurred by chance. The phrase test of significance was coined by Ronald Fisher. ...
  10. The extent to which something matters; importance; Meaning
  11. (significant) Signifying something; carrying meaning; Having a covert or hidden meaning; Having a noticeable or major effect; notable; Reasonably large in number or amount; Having a low probability of occurring by chance (for example, having high correlation and thus likely to be related)
  12. (Significant) is the level of importance or magnitude assigned to an item, event, information, or problem by the internal auditor.
  13. (Significant (when applied to natural features and functions)) Significant means ecologically important in terms of natural features and functions, representation or amount, and contributing to the quality and diversity of a defined natural area or system. ...
  14. (Significant) As used in NEPA, requires consideration of both context and intensity. Context means that the significance of an action must be analyzed in several contexts such as society as a whole, and the affected region, interests, and locality. Intensity refers to the severity of impacts.
  15. (Significant) In a statistical sense, the proability of the null hypothesis being true, the p value, is lower than the cutoff probability, the alpha level.
  16. (Significant) Outside of statistical coincidence. In experimental psychology, 5% is often used as the standard (if something happens <5% of the time it is considered random chance).
  17. (Significant) With respect to an environmental effect, an adverse impact in the context of its magnitude, geographic extent, duration, frequency, degree of reversibility, possibility of occurrence or any combination of the foregoing.
  18. (Significant) the product of any two orthogonal opening dimensions is at least 10 square meters.
  19. (significant) A term used in statistics which has a very precise definition. It means that the observed event would occur by chance under hypothesized conditions less than a specified proportion of the time. ...
  20. (significant) adj.  having a meaning, esp one that is immediately obvious
  21. (significant) bеk kеrеkli, maģanalı
  22. (significant) reaching a degree of stastistical certainty at which it is unlikely that a result is due purely to chance;
  23. a word which is used in the special sense to denote any thought, decision, concept, idea, purpose or meaning in the mind in distinction to its masses. (The mind is basically composed of masses and significances.) See also mental mass.
  24. Is achieved when there is a low probability that the results of an experiment occurred by chance alone. In psychology it is conventional that results are said to be significant if the probability of their occurrence by chance is equal to or less than 5 per cent or 0.05
  25. For tables in which trends over time were shown, statistically significant differences between estimates from two different time points (e.g., 2005 and 2006) were identified at two levels: 0.05 and 0.01. ...