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shoplifting 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The criminal action of stealing goods from a shop while pretending to be a customer,
  1. The criminal action of stealing goods from a shop while pretending to be a customer

  1. the act of stealing goods that are on display in a store; "shrinkage is the retail trade's euphemism for shoplifting"
  2. (shoplift) steal in a store
  3. (shoplifter) booster: a thief who steals goods that are in a store
  4. Shoplifting (also known as ', or shrinkage' within the retail industry) is theft of goods from a retail establishment. It is one of the most common property crimes dealt with by police and courts.
  5. Straw were an English pop band that released one album, Shoplifting, in 1999.
  6. Shoplifting is an American punk band, formed in 2002 in Seattle, Washington.Serra, David: , Allmusic.
  7. (Shoplifter (song)) "Shoplifter" is a song by the American punk rock band Green Day. It originally appeared as a B-side to the "American Idiot" single in Australia. ...
  8. (shoplift) To steal something from a shop / store during trading hours; To steal from shops / stores during trading hours
  9. (Shoplifter) Nontraditional shopper.
  10. Taking things from a shop without the intention of paying for them
  11. Theft of merchandise from a store or business establishment.