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senesce 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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senesces, 3rd person singular present; senesced, past participle; senescing, present participle; senesced, past tense;
  1. (of a living organism) Deteriorate with age

  1. grow old or older; "She aged gracefully"; "we age every day--what a depressing thought!"; "Young men senesce"
  2. (senescence) aging: the organic process of growing older and showing the effects of increasing age
  3. (senescence) agedness: the property characteristic of old age
  4. to grow older, reach maturity
  5. (senescence) The state or process of ageing, especially in humans; old age; Ceasing to divide by mitosis because of shortening of telomeres or excessive DNA damage; old age; accumulated damage to macromolecules, cells, tissues and organs with the passage of time; Fruit senescence, leading to ...
  6. (Senescence) The process of aging.
  7. (senescence) The growth phase in a plant or plant part (such as a leaf) from full maturity to death.
  8. (senescence) Decline or degeneration, as with maturation, age, or disease stress. (9)
  9. (senescence) The annual die-back of aquatic plants at the end of the growing season.
  10. (Senescence) The cessation of growth and subsequent aging of tissues, to prevent damage during winter.
  11. (Senescence) A non-growing cellular state in which cells are metabolically active, but can no longer divide (proliferate or grow).
  12. (Senescence) Deterioration and death associated with advanced age.
  13. (Senescence) Refers to the biological process of living organism approaching an advanced age. When referring to a cell, cellular senescence means the loss of the ability to divide.
  14. (Senescence) That portion of aging that begins at older ages, after one passes the point of minimum mortality, around age 12 for humans. More specifically, senescence is not a single disease. ...
  15. (Senescence) The phenomenon in which a normal diploid cell loses the ability to divide after about 50 cell divisions.
  16. (Senescence) The progressive deterioration of the body and its functions over time
  17. (Senescence) The study of the biological changes related to aging
  18. (Senescence) death of a leaf triggered by an increase in the enzymes that promote the breakdown of plant cells.  Begins when shorter days and cooler temperatures occur.
  19. (Senescence) permanent arrest of cell division. This process has been thought to be involved in aging.
  20. (senescence) 1) aging; 2) in cell biology, a process related to, but distinct from, programmed cell death wherein the cell permanently exits the cell cycle and can no longer divide [aka cellular senescence].
  21. (senescence) A decline in the fitness of an organism with age as a result of physiological deterioration. [7]
  22. (senescence) The last stage in the post-embryonic development of multicellular organisms, during which loss of functions and degradation of biological components occur. A physiological ageing process in which cells and tissues deteriorate and finally die.
  23. (senescence) also known as biological aging; refers to the changes in an organism’s biology as it ages after maturity, from the cellular to whole-organism levels; from senex, “old man or old age”
  24. (senescence) loss of function that accompanies aging.
  25. to decline with maturity or age, often hastened by stress from environment or disease.