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sector 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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sectors, plural;
  1. An area or portion that is distinct from others

  2. A distinct part or branch of a nation's economy or society or of a sphere of activity such as education
    • - the industrial and commercial sector
    • - the business sector of the city
  3. A subdivision of an area for military operations

  4. A subdivision of a track on a magnetic disk

  5. The plane figure enclosed by two radii of a circle or ellipse and the arc between them

  6. A mathematical instrument consisting of two arms hinged at one end and marked with sines, tangents, etc., for making diagrams

  1. a plane figure bounded by two radii and the included arc of a circle
  2. a social group that forms part of the society or the economy; "the public sector"
  3. a particular aspect of life or activity; "he was helpless in an important sector of his life"
  4. the minimum track length that can be assigned to store information; unless otherwise specified a sector of data consists of 512 bytes
  5. a portion of a military position
  6. measuring instrument consisting of two graduated arms hinged at one end
  7. The economy includes several sectors (also called industries), that evolved in successive phases.
  8. The sector, also known as a proportional compass or military compass, was a major calculating instrument in use from the end of the sixteenth century until the nineteenth century. It is an instrument consisting of two rulers of equal length which are joined by a hinge. ...
  9. section; zone (designated area); A part of a circle, extending to the center; a fixed-sized unit (traditionally 512 bytes) of sequential data stored on a track of a digital medium (compare to block); An area designated by boundaries within which a unit operates, and for which it is ...
  10. (Sectors) Subdivisions of tracks on storage media. Pie-shaped subdivisions of tracks on floppy disks.
  11. (Sectors) A floppy or hard disk is separated into sectors of arcs to store and manage data.
  12. (Sectors) Groupings of similar industrial / economic activities
  13. (Sectors) Hard disk drives are split into tracks and sectors, which is a way for the computer to identify where particular files or pieces of data are stored.
  14. (Sectors) Markets and indices are broken down into a series of separate sections. The top level of separate classification is the sector level. In the UK market these are resources, general industrials, consumer goods, services, utilities, financials and investment trusts. ...
  15. (Sectors) Shows the breakdown of the portfolio's investments into industry groups.
  16. (Sectors) Stocks share similar business backgrounds tend to move together. ClearStation classify major exchange-traded active stocks into sectors and industries to compare and monitor them as groups. ...
  17. (Sectors) The economy is divided into a number of categories in the National Accounts. These Sectors are Households and Non Profit Institutions Serving Households (NPISH), Non-Financial Corporations, Financial Corporations, and General Government. ...
  18. (Sectors) These are the different 'interest groupings' that people and groups are divided into for consultation, funding and planning purposes. The three broadest sectors, that are used most often, are the private, public and voluntary/third sectors. (See also third sector).
  19. (Sectors) This section offers an overview of the work being done by thirteen Central Government Ministries and their various units. ...
  20. (Sectors) Those groups in the community identified as stakeholders in community tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use prevention. ...
  21. (Sectors) Used within indices to categorise companies according to the goods and ­services they produce.
  22. (Sectors) n., thing – the different programs that are working in Peru. There are currently five sectors in Peru: youth development, small business development, health, water and sanitation, and environment.
  23. (sectors) Different parts of society (e.g. health, environment, education, recreation, agriculture, private sector, not-for-profit sector etc.) that all have a role to play in healthy living.
  24. Sectors are the third highest NAICS categories. These 20 categories represent more specific categories of economic activity where the aggregated industries that make up each sector are more closely related.
  25. Division, most commonly used to denote type of energy consumer (e.g., residential) or according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the type of greenhouse gas emitter (e.g. industrial process).