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sarcasm 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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sarcasms, plural;
  1. The use of irony to mock or convey contempt
    • - his voice, hardened by sarcasm, could not hide his resentment

  1. witty language used to convey insults or scorn; "he used sarcasm to upset his opponent"; "irony is wasted on the stupid"; "Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own"--Jonathan Swift
  2. (sarcastic) expressing or expressive of ridicule that wounds
  3. (sarcastically) in a sarcastic manner; "`Ah, now we're getting at the truth,' he interposed sarcastically"
  4. Sarcasm is “a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter jibe or taunt.” Some authorities sharply distinguish sarcasm from irony, however others argue that sarcasm may or often does involve irony.
  5. A form of humor that is marked by mocking with irony, sometimes conveyed in speech with vocal over-emphasis. ...
  6. (sarcastic) Containing sarcasm; Having the personality trait of expressing sarcasm
  7. the use of praise to mock someone or something; the use of mockery or verbal irony
  8. is one kind of irony; it is praise which is really an insult; sarcasm generally invovles malice, the desire to put someone down, e.g., "This is my brilliant son, who failed out of college."
  9. Sarcasm is a form of irony that attacks a person or belief through harsh and bitter remarks that often mean the opposite of what they say. See, for example, Dave Bidini's sarcastic description of arena names in "Kris King Looks Terrible": ". . . these days, arena names make little sense. ...
  10. often used as a synonym for [/irony|irony]], but strictly speaking it refers to dispraising someone by crude and blatant overpraising.
  11. We don’t mention this word a lot, but if you listen to our Catch Word podcasts we use this sense of humour a lot. Sarcasm is a kind of humour. This humour usually works by saying the opposite of what is true, or saying untrue things, sometimes absurd things. ...
  12. raw and scornful use of apparent approval to express disapproval. Another of London's favorite devices for social commentary.
  13. a form of verbal irony in which apparent praise is actually harshly or bitterly critical.
  14. A type of verbal irony, where one says one thing but means another, often for the purpose of comedy. See irony.
  15. A verbal tone in which it is obvious from context that the speaker means the opposite of what he or she says. “Mom, I’d love to see Howard the Duck with you” is probably a phrase you would say sarcastically.
  16. A form of verbal irony, expressing sneering, personal disapproval in the guise of praise. (Oddly enough, sarcastic remarks are often used between friends, perhaps as a somewhat perverse demonstration of the strength of the bond--only a good friend could say this without hurting the other's ...
  17. heavy, mocking verbal irony. Almost never found in literature.
  18. A form of sneering criticism in which disapproval is often expressed as ironic praise.
  19. which is very blunt and unsubtle spoken irony.
  20. Dreams are as open to humor as they are to any other part of your personality. Sarcasm is a particularly interesting facet of humor that emphasizes the shortcomings of a person. Consequently, whether you initiate or are the butt of the sarcasm shows something about your place in the dream.
  21. The result of listening to insinuendos of pastards
  22. "A form of verbal irony in which, under guise of praise, a caustic and bitter expression of strong and personal disapproval is given" (Holman and Harmon).
  23. The use of bitter, wounding or ironic remarks when speaking or in a literary work.
  24. Bitter or cutting speech; speech intended by its speaker to give pain to the person addressed.  Sarcasm usually involves verbal irony; that is, when a speaker means the opposite of her or his spoken statement. ...
  25. Biting humor usually used to demean a point in argument.