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reliable 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted,
  1. Consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted
    • - a reliable source of information
  1. A person or thing with such trustworthy qualities
    • - the supporting cast includes old reliables like Mitchell

  1. worthy of reliance or trust; "a reliable source of information"; "a dependable worker"
  2. authentic: conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief; "an authentic account by an eyewitness"; "reliable information"
  3. (reliableness) dependability: the quality of being dependable or reliable
  4. (reliably) faithfully: in a faithful manner; "it always came on, faithfully, like the radio"
  5. (Reliability (computer networking)) In computer networking, a reliable protocol is one that provides reliability properties with respect to the delivery of data to the intended recipient(s), as opposed to an unreliable protocol, which does not provide notifications to the sender as to the ...
  6. (Reliability (engineering)) Reliability engineering is an engineering field, that deals with the study of : the ability of a system or component to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified period of time. It is often reported as a probability.
  7. (Reliability (semiconductor)) Reliability of semiconductor devices can be summarized as follows: # Semiconductor devices are very sensitive to impurities and particles. ...
  8. (Reliability (statistics)) In statistics, reliability is the consistency of a set of measurements or of a measuring instrument, often used to describe a test. Reliability is inversely related to random error.
  9. Something or someone reliable; Suitable or fit to be relied on; worthy of dependence or reliance; trustworthy; Such that either a sent packet will reach its destination, even if it requires retransmission, or the sender will be told that it didn't
  10. (reliably) In a reliable manner
  11. (Reliability) Relates to score consistency by an individual over multiple administrations of the same test. This indicates that the person will receive the same scores regardless of when the test is taken, who scores the test, or other variables.
  12. (Reliability) The consistency with which a test measures the area being tested; describes the extent to which a test is dependable, stable, and consistent when administered to the same individuals on different occasions.
  13. (Reliability) The measure of consistency for an assessment instrument. The instrument should yield similar results over time with similar populations in similar circumstances.
  14. (Reliability) Consistency or dependability of data and evaluation judgements, with reference to the quality of the instruments, procedures and analyses used to collect and interpret evaluation data. ...
  15. (Reliability) The degree to which the results of an assessment are dependable and consistently measure particular student knowledge and/or skills. Reliability is an indication of the consistency of scores across raters, over time, or across different tasks or items that measure the same thing. ...
  16. (Reliability) an indication of the consistency of scores across evaluators over time or across different versions of a test. ...
  17. (Reliability) The quality of measurement that suggest that the same data would have been collected each time in repeated observations of the same phenomenon.
  18. (Reliability) The degree of performance of the elements of the bulk electric system that results in electricity being delivered to customers within accepted standards and in the amount desired. ...
  19. (Reliability) The ability of the electric system to supply the electrical demand and energy requirements at all times and to withstand sudden disturbances such as electric short circuits or unanticipated loss of system facilities.
  20. (reliability) How accurate something is or how often it wins. Thus, “60 percent reliability” means that something wins 60 percent of the time.
  21. (reliability) probability that a system will not fail
  22. (reliability) 1) The measure of the ability of a power system to provide uninterrupted service, even while that system is under stress. 2) In a relay or relay system, a measure of the degree of certainty of correct performance. ...
  23. (Reliability) The degree to which the input-output relationship is reproducible if the relationship is studied repeatedly under comparable conditions. For example, if a student took the same examination twice, or in two forms, would he get the same grade both times? ...
  24. (Reliability) Steady, predictable and consistent electric service and prices.
  25. (Reliability) The extent to which a measure, procedure or instrument yields the same result on repeated trials.