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qualitatively 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. in a qualitative manner; "this discoloration qualitatively suggests that the substance is low in inorganic iron"
  2. (qualitative) involving distinctions based on qualities; "qualitative change"; "qualitative data"; "qualitative analysis determines the chemical constituents of a substance or mixture"
  3. Something qualitative; of descriptions or distinctions based on some quality rather than on some quantity; of a form of analysis that yields the identity of a compound
  4. (Qualitative) Having to do with quality or qualities. Descriptive of kind, type or direction, as opposed to size, magnitude or degree.
  5. (Qualitative) Research conducted that cannot be quantified or analyzed quantitatively. Qualitative data requires subjective analysis as it is not collected empirically. Focus groups, interviews, and open-ended questions are all forms of qualitative research.
  6. Qualitative variables are variables for which an attribute or classification is measured. Examples of qualitative variables are gender or disease state.
  7. (Qualitative) information which is descriptive, having to do with quality.
  8. (QUALITATIVE) Of, relating to, or expressed in relative or subjective terms impossible to precisely quantify.
  9. (Qualitative) A general description of properties that cannot be written in numbers.
  10. (Qualitative) A method of consultation which collects opinion based, anecdotal evidence, eg focus groups.
  11. (Qualitative) A rough or incomplete observation of a process or object. 'Earthquake A was stronger than earthquake B because it did more damage.'
  12. (Qualitative) A scientific study in which detailed information is obtained about complex issues, sensitive topics or life experiences. The information provides a deeper understanding and is used to generate new theories or hypotheses.
  13. (Qualitative) A test in which the final result is positive/negative, reactive/nonreactive, present/absent.
  14. (Qualitative) A trait in which variation is discontinuous, such that phenotypes can be classified into discrete categories. An example would be tomato fruit color, where plant fruit could be categorized as red or yellow. ...
  15. (Qualitative) An approach to evaluation or part of an evaluation that is primarily descriptive and interpretative.
  16. (Qualitative) Chemical analysis to identify the components of a mixture.
  17. (Qualitative) Human Development Index
  18. (Qualitative) Measures: Methods for collecting data which seek to preserve context and subjectivity, and which lean toward thick description rather than statistical summaries. ...
  19. (Qualitative) Methods involving the use of numbers and statistics. Generally, quantitative methodologists use data that has been collected by surveys, polls, or the Census and use statistics to try and figure out the relationship between independent and dependant variables. ...
  20. (Qualitative) Referring to the occurrence of a situation without numerical specifications.
  21. (Qualitative) Relating to the general qualities that can describe the level of performance or a product
  22. (Qualitative) Research in which questions are open-ended, and results are expressed in non-numerical terms. Contrasts with quantitative research. Often shortened to qual.
  23. (Qualitative) Something that is not summarised in numerical form, such as minutes from community meetings and general notes from observations. Qualitative data normally describe people's knowledge, attitudes or behaviours.
  24. (Qualitative) analysis which merely determines the constituents of a substance without any regard to the quantity.
  25. (Qualitative) factors are those whose levels are nominal, for example plant variety, country, type of cancer, gender.