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public domains, plural;
  1. The state of belonging or being available to the public as a whole

  2. Not subject to copyright
    • - the photograph had been in the public domain for 15 years
    • - public-domain software
  3. Public land
    • - a grazing permit on public domain

  1. property rights that are held by the public at large
  2. Works are in the public domain if they are not covered by intellectual property rights at all, if the intellectual property rights have expired, and/or if the intellectual property rights are forfeited. ...
  3. Public Domain is a 2003 Canadian film about reality TV. It was directed by Kris Lefcoe and stars Nicole de Boer, Mike Beaver, Lindy Booth and Dov Tiefenbach. The film is openly critical of reality TV and portrays the hosts and producers as cruel and heartless people. ...
  4. Public domain is a term used to describe lands that were not under private or state ownership during the 18th and 19th centuries in the United States, as the country was expanding. ...
  5. The feature of intellectual property being not protected under patent or copyright, i.e. no person or other legal entity can establish proprietary interests; Open land such as unowned prairie in the western and southwestern United States. ...
  6. Land owned by the government and belonging to the community at large.
  7. Programs that are open to copy because their authors intended to share them with everyone else are in the public domain. The UNIX community has developed a number of such programs over the years. Programs in the public domain can be used without restriction as components of other programs. ...
  8. art, literature, photographs, or music that is available for use by anyone, without cost, because the material has not been copyrighted or because the copyright has expired
  9. Something not owned by anybody. Perl is copyrighted and is thus not in the public domain--it's just freely available and freely redistributable.
  10. In open view; before the public at large and not in private or employing secrecy or other protective measures.
  11. Any material that can be freely used by the public, and does not come under the protection of a copyright, trademark, or patent.
  12. A song that does not have a copyright owner.  There are no licensing obligations to create or sell a unique arrangement of a public domain song.  An arrangement of a public domain song can be copyrighted, and is therefore not public domain.  Only the underlying song is public domain.
  13. Products of the human mind – such as books, inventions, computer programs, songs, movies, and other works – are often owned by the creator as “intellectual property,” meaning that the creator may have control over uses of the work such as reproduction. ...
  14. The state in which the creator of a work loses the copyright on it through the passage of the copyright period, failure to renew the work, or problems with the original registration of the work with the copyright office.
  15. Material that is copyright free, whose copyright has expired, or which cannot be copyrighted. Many people think that because something is on the Web it must be in the public domain. This is not so. A work is in the public domain only if it is explicitly stated to be so. ...
  16. Public Domain refers to the knowledge that is freely available, commonly shared throughout the world without any access restrictions. In the context of Intellectual Property this term refers to knowledge that is beyond the realm of protection of IP rights.
  17. Material that is uncopyrighted, whose copyright has expired, or is uncopyrightable. The last includes government publications, jokes, titles - and, it should be remembered, ideas.
  18. Information, which is published and generally accessible or available to the public.
  19. No copyright exists over the work. Does not exist in all jurisdictions.
  20. A body of creative and cultural works that are freely available for anyone to use, most often because the term of copyright protection for them has expired.
  21. information or creative work that has moved from individual ownership to public use, such as instances where the copyright has expired.
  22. A work in which copyright has expired or is not valid. Copyright Protection in New Zealand.
  23. The public domain is not a place. A work of authorship is in the “public domain” if it is no longer under copyright protection or if it failed to meet the requirements for copyright protection. Works in the public domain may be used freely without the permission of the former copyright owner. ...
  24. Works that are freely available for commercial or public use without restriction - not protected by copyright restrictions.
  25. This term refers to works/information etc. which have no identified proprietary owners and which can be used by anyone.