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prevalent 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Widespread in a particular area at a particular time,
  1. Widespread in a particular area at a particular time
    • - the social ills prevalent in society today
  2. Predominant; powerful

  1. prevailing: most frequent or common; "prevailing winds"
  2. (prevalence) the quality of prevailing generally; being widespread; "he was surprised by the prevalence of optimism about the future"
  3. (prevalence) (epidemiology) the ratio (for a given time period) of the number of occurrences of a disease or event to the number of units at risk in the population
  4. (prevalence) preponderance: a superiority in numbers or amount; "a preponderance of evidence against the defendant"
  5. Widespread or preferred; Superior or dominant
  6. (prevalently) Generally, usually, mainly
  7. (Prevalence) The number of cases of disease, infected persons, or persons with some other attribute, present at a particular time and in relation to the size of the population from which drawn. It can be a measurement of morbidity at a moment in time, e.g. ...
  8. (PREVALENCE) Occurence in a population.
  9. (Prevalence) calculated as the number of cases with a particular birth defect in an area over a particular time period, divided by the number of live births in the same area and over the same time period. ...
  10. (prevalence) The number or proportion of cases, events, or conditions in a given population.
  11. (Prevalence) refers to the total number of individuals who have an attribute or disease at a particular time (or period) divided by the population at risk of having the attribute or disease at that time (point prevalence) or midway through the period (period prevalence).^57
  12. (PREVALENCE) Frequency of disease or infection found in a group, expressed as a proportion or in percent.
  13. (PREVALENCE) The number of cancers that exist in a given population. Prevalence is usually unknown because not all of the cancers have been diagnosed. (see Incidence).
  14. (PREVALENCE) This term tell us about the number of particular events in the community. AIDS for example may be very prevalent (the total number with this syndrome) but the incidence (new cases) is going down each year.
  15. (Prevalence (of mastitis)) The percent of cows or mammary gland quarters that are infected at any one time.
  16. (Prevalence) (Epi, PEH, Stat, Trop)
  17. (Prevalence) How common something is in an area. Prevalence of calf scours pathogens is usually determined by local diagnostic laboratories.
  18. (Prevalence) In regard to hep C, prevalence relates to the number of people with hep C in the community at any one time. It is usually expressed as a percentage (1% of the population) or ratio (one in 100 people).
  19. (Prevalence) Includes old and new cases of pressure ulcers and is usually assessed on a cross-sectional, one-time basis. (For this study all patients will be assessed within 24 hours.)
  20. (Prevalence) The number of cases of a clearly-defined condition in a defined area at a defined point in time.
  21. (Prevalence) The proportion of people in a defined group who have a disease, condition or injury. In the context of diagnosis, this is also called "pre-test probability." To be distinguished from incidence.
  22. (prevalence) In epidemiological studies of a disorder, the percentage of a population that has the disorder at a given time. Compare with incidence.
  23. (prevalence) Number of individuals displaying a defined feature (e.g. an infection) in relation to the whole population. A seroprevalence of 60% (BVD in Switzerland) means, that 60% of the animals were seropositive at the time of the examination.
  24. (prevalence) Number or percentage of individuals in a population that ever had a particular disorder during a specified period
  25. (prevalence) The measure of how often the collection of items in an association occur together as a percentage of all the transactions. For example, “In 2% of the purchases at the hardware store, both a pick and a shovel were bought.”