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prescription 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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prescriptions, plural;
  1. An instruction written by a medical practitioner that authorizes a patient to be provided a medicine or treatment
    • - he scribbled a prescription for tranquilizers
    • - antidepressants available only by prescription
    • - prescription drugs
  2. The action of prescribing a medicine or treatment
    • - the unnecessary prescription of antibiotics
  3. A medicine or remedy that is prescribed
    • - I've got to pick up my prescription
  4. A recommendation that is authoritatively put forward
    • - effective prescriptions for sustaining rural communities
  5. The authoritative recommendation of an action or procedure
    • - rather than prescription there would be guidance
  6. The establishment of a claim founded on the basis of a long or indefinite period of uninterrupted use or of long-standing custom

  1. prescription(a): available only with a doctor's written prescription; "a prescription drug"
  2. directions prescribed beforehand; the action of prescribing authoritative rules or directions; "I tried to follow her prescription for success"
  3. written instructions for an optician on the lenses for a given person
  4. written instructions from a physician or dentist to a druggist concerning the form and dosage of a drug to be issued to a given patient
  5. (prescribe) order: issue commands or orders for
  6. (prescribed) set down as a rule or guide
  7. In linguistics, prescription denotes two normative practices: the codification of a grammar, and formal usage rules — how a language should be spoken and written. ...
  8. A prescription is a health-care program implemented by a physician or other medical practitioner in the form of instructions that govern the plan of care for an individual patient. Prescriptions may include orders to be performed by a patient, caretaker, nurse, pharmacist or other therapist. ...
  9. In law, prescription is the method of sovereignty transfer of a territory through international law analogous to the common law doctrine of adverse possession for private real-estate. ...
  10. The act of prescribing a rule, law, etc.; A period of time within which a right must be exercised, unless the right is extinguished; The medicine or intervention so prescribed; The formal description of the lens geometry needed for spectacles, etc. ...
  11. (prescribe) To order (a drug or medical device) for use by a particular patient; To specify as a required procedure or ritual
  12. (prescriptive) Of or pertaining to prescribing or enjoining, especially an action or behavior based on a norm or standard
  13. (Prescriptions) Online drug search Track patient prescriptions and medications Create and send prescriptions Print Fax Email In-house pharmacy dispensary support
  14. (Prescribe) to give instructions or lay down rules. For example, the 'widget' company may pass a resolution prescribing how new share capital should be divided up.
  15. (prescribe) (v) atarģa, coralarģa
  16. (prescribe) to lay something down as law
  17. (prescribe) write, advise, stipulate, impose (authoritively), recommend, assert, order as treatment
  18. Means to prescribe by regulation.
  19. means prescribed by rules made under this Chapter;
  20. (Prescribed) The term given to the fact that the information is in a directive issued by the Superintendent of Bankruptcy.
  21. Authoritatively required: ‘prescribed by law’ means law requires that it be done.
  22. (prescriptive) Water rights which are acquired by diverting water and putting it to use in accordance with specified procedures. These procedures include filing a request to use unused water in a strewn, river or lake with a state agency.
  23. (prescriptive) a glossary term can define precisely how a community should understand and use terms.
  24. A prescriptive market or fair was held by custom (i.e. it was not set up by a grant or charter). They were usually the oldest markets and fairs.
  25. The acquiring of a right in property, usually in the form of an intangible property right such as an easement or right-of-way, by means of adverse use of property that is continuous and uninterrupted for the prescriptive period.