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precisions, plural;
  1. The quality, condition, or fact of being exact and accurate
    • - the deal was planned and executed with military precision
  2. Marked by or adapted for accuracy and exactness
    • - a precision instrument
  3. Refinement in a measurement, calculation, or specification, esp. as represented by the number of digits given
    • - this has brought an unprecedented degree of precision to the business of dating rocks
    • - a precision of six decimal figures

  1. preciseness: the quality of being reproducible in amount or performance; "he handled it with the preciseness of an automaton"; "note the meticulous precision of his measurements"
  2. (precise) sharply exact or accurate or delimited; "a precise mind"; "specified a precise amount"; "arrived at the precise moment"
  3. The precision of a value describes the number of digits that are used to express that value. In a scientific setting this would be the total number of digits (sometimes called the significant figures or significant digits) or, less commonly, the number of fractional digits or decimal places (the ...
  4. Precision and recall are two widely used statistical classifications.
  5. Precision is the authorized march of Royal Military College of Canada. It was composed in 1932 by Denise Chabot, wife of Major C. A. Chabot, a Royal Canadian Artillery officer on staff as professor of French at the College at the time. ...
  6. In statistics, the term precision can mean a quantity defined in a specific way. This is in addition to its more general meaning in the contexts of accuracy and precision and of precision and recall. ...
  7. the state of being precise or exact; exactness; the ability of a measurement to be reproduced consistently; the number of significant digits to which a value may be measured reliably; used for exact or precise measurement; made, or characterized by accuracy
  8. (precise) exact, accurate; Of experimental results, consistent, clustered close together, agreeing with each other. This does not mean that they cluster near the true, correct, or accurate value
  9. (Precise) Sharply or clearly defined. Having small experimental uncertainty. A precise measurement may still be inaccurate, if there were an unrecognized determinate error in the measurement (for example, a miscalibrated instrument). Compare: accurate.
  10. (PRECISE) Prospective Randomized Evaluation of Carvedilol in Symptoms and Exercise [trial]
  11. (Precise) strictly following a pattern, standard or convention
  12. (precise) (a): guided by Puritan precepts; code word for Puritan. FS (9-1H6, TGV, MWW, AWEW, Ham, MM); Lyly Campaspe, Gallathea, Sapho, Midas, Whip; Marlowe Jew of Malta; Greene James IV; (anon.) Fam Vic. Blast of Retreat, Willobie, Leic Gh. ...
  13. (precise) A dimension of communicator style exemplified by a concern for accurate and clear communication of ideas.
  14. (precise) adj.  stated clearly andaccurately
  15. (precise) meaning their provision is easy to judge and measure
  16. A precise measurement is one that has small scatter about the average value. See also accurate.
  17. Refers to the level of measurement and exactness of description in a GIS database. Precise locational data may measure position to a fraction of a unit. Precise attribute information may specify the characteristics of features in great detail. ...
  18. The number of decimal places to which a value is given. This usually far exceeds its accuracy. For example, a GIS might give the coordinate of a point location for building to ten decimal places providing a value that is precise to fractions of a centimetre. ...
  19. Reproducibility, the agreement of data points (test results) when a test is run more than once.
  20. The principle which facilitates neuro-muscular re-education. Pilates said, “Concentrate on right movements each time you exercise or else you will do them improperly and lose their value.”
  21. A measure of the variability or random variation in a set of data. The inverse of the variance.
  22. The ability of a test device to produce the same value during repeated measurements.
  23. Rolex used this term for all its models that were not rated as chronometers.
  24. Data has sufficient detail.
  25. of survey results refers to how closely the results from a sample can be obtained across repeated samples conducted using the same techniques from the same population at the same time. A precise estimate is stable over replications.