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posture 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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postures, plural;
  1. Behave in a way that is intended to impress or mislead others
    • - a masking of fear with macho posturing
  2. Adopt (a certain attitude) so as to impress or mislead
    • - the companies may posture regret, but they have a vested interest in increasing Third World sales
  3. Place (someone) in a particular attitude or pose
    • - and still these two were postured motionless
  1. A position of a person's body when standing or sitting
    • - he stood in a flamboyant posture with his hands on his hips
    • - good posture will protect your spine
  2. A particular pose adopted by a bird or other animal, interpreted as a signal of a specific pattern of behavior

  3. A particular way of dealing with or considering something; an approach or attitude
    • - labor unions adopted a more militant posture in wage negotiations
  4. A particular way of behaving that is intended to convey a false impression; a pose
    • - despite pulling back its missiles, the government maintained a defiant posture for home consumption

  1. pose: behave affectedly or unnaturally in order to impress others; "Don't pay any attention to him--he is always posing to impress his peers!"; "She postured and made a total fool of herself"
  2. position: the arrangement of the body and its limbs; "he assumed an attitude of surrender"
  3. carriage: characteristic way of bearing one's body; "stood with good posture"
  4. model: assume a posture as for artistic purposes; "We don't know the woman who posed for Leonardo so often"
  5. position: a rationalized mental attitude
  6. military capability: capability in terms of personnel and materiel that affect the capacity to fight a war; "we faced an army of great strength"; "politicians have neglected our military posture"
  7. The way a person holds and positions their body; A situation or condition; One's attitude or the social or political position one takes towards an issue or another person; The position of someone or something relative to another; position; situation; to put one's body into a posture or series ...
  8. (postures) the 4 bodily: iriyāpatha (q.v.).
  9. (POSTURES) A 16th/17th Century term for the formal flag waving expected of a colour bearer for reasons of either bravado or dignity (see also ‘colour 2)’, ‘colour bearer’, ‘company colours’, ‘ensign 4)’, ‘flag tossing’ and ‘stand 1)’).
  10. The attitude of the body. Posture is maintained by low-grade, continuous contraction of muscles which counteract the pull of gravity on body parts. Injury to the nervous system can impair the ability to maintain normal posture, for example holding up the head.
  11. ability to stand upright automatically against gravity; controlled by the vestibulospinal, reticulospinal, and tectospinal pathways
  12. Used here in an archaic sense: position relative to that of another; situation.
  13. Name of scientist who invented POSTURIZATION
  14. Position or arrangement of the body and its legs and arms. A balanced posture requires little or no muscle action. Posture must look good and feel good. There is no one perfect posture that can be maintained all day. ...
  15. the overall position the puppet is placed in on stage. Proper posture allows the puppet to look more natural. This is done by keeping the puppet's head eye level with the audience and not allowing the body to lean to far from one side or another.
  16. has a surprisingly large influence on how feet feel on the ground. Good posture, feet feel good. Bad posture, feet feel bad.
  17. the alignment of the body. Posture can affect how you feel and how you function in your wheelchair, especially over the long run.
  18. also known as ‘deportment’ is the way we ‘carry’ or hold ourselves using our muscles. Poor posture can result from sitting badly, adverse Ergonomic factors, carrying heavy bags over one shoulder and general stress and tension. ...
  19. The type stroke will either stand upright (Roman) or will lean toward the right (italic).
  20. The position of the limbs or the carriage of the body as a whole.
  21. Good dancing requires that both partners should have good posture at all times. This requires keeping the head and chest lifted, the spine straight and the weight center-forward over the balls of the feet. ...
  22. Involves maintaining a certain alignment of the body. A dancer's ability to achieve certain postures requires muscle strength and flexibility of the musculoskeletal system, as well as balance and body awareness involving the nervous system.
  23. The position of the rider's body which preconditions the degree of relaxation the rider and horse achieve.
  24. This is noted in models by the way they stand. The position of the shoulders and control of the stomach, the buttocks and the pelvis are important to a model's good posture.
  25. The appearance of a person standing erect with good balance.