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phonemes 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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phonemes, plural;
  1. Any of the perceptually distinct units of sound in a specified language that distinguish one word from another, for example p, b, d, and t in the English words pad, pat, bad, and bat

  1. (phoneme) (linguistics) one of a small set of speech sounds that are distinguished by the speakers of a particular language
  2. (phonemic) of or relating to phonemes of a particular language; "phonemic analysis"
  3. In a language or dialect, a phoneme (from the φώνημα, phōnēma, "a sound uttered") is the smallest segmental unit of sound employed to form meaningful contrasts between utterances.
  4. The phoneME project is Sun Microsystems reference implementation of Java virtual machine and associated libraries of Java ME with source, licensed under the GNU General Public License.
  5. (phoneme) An indivisible unit of sound in a given language. A phoneme is an abstraction of the physical speech sounds (phones) and may encompass several different phones
  6. (phonemic) relating to phonemes; relating to a difference between sounds that can change the meaning of words in a language
  7. (phoneme) a minimal sound unit of speech that, when contrasted with another phoneme, affects the meaning of words in a language, as /b/ in book contrasts with /t/ in took, /k/ in cook, /h/ in hook.
  8. (phoneme) the smallest phonetic unit in a language that is capable of conveying a distinction in meaning. "M", in "man," and "c", in "can," are phonemes. See also: morpheme.
  9. (Phoneme) Smallest unit of speech used to differentiate word meanings from one another, yet without having its own meaning (for example: the h in ‘house’ or the m in ‘mouse’).
  10. (Phoneme) A speech sound.   Each speech sound (phoneme) is represented by a phonetic symbol.   Examples of phonetic symbols: /ä/, /t/, /k/, /ô/, /ŋ/.
  11. (Phoneme) a unit of sound, formed in the phonetic matrix.
  12. (Phoneme) an individual sound unit in spoken words
  13. (Phoneme) The smallest unit of speech sound that makes a difference in communication. For example, fly consists of three phonemes: /f/-/l/-/`i/.
  14. (phoneme) the smallest distinctive segment of sound in any language. It is actually comprised of a group of similar sounds, called allophones, which native speakers of a language may perceive as being all the same. ...
  15. (phoneme) The distinctive sounds of a particular language system are its phonemes, studied in phonology. ...
  16. (PHONEME) A basic sound unit in a language ('t' and 'd' are separate phonems; 'c' and 'k' may be the same or different; 'ph' and 'f' are the same in English).
  17. (Phone-me) A callback facility available on the web site for a company to contact a customer by phone at a later time, as specified by the customer.
  18. (Phoneme (formerly phonograph)) smallest linguistic sound to distinguish monemes (the "m" in mate or the "f" in fate).
  19. (Phoneme) A class of phones identified by a native speaker as the same sound; a mental entity (or category) related to various allophones by phonological rules. [Language Files]
  20. (Phoneme) A class of phones which contrast with other phonemes in a language. For instance, in English the phoneme /t/ is realized as a plosive at the beginning of a word (e.g. term) but as a flap between vowels in most positions (e.g. ...
  21. (Phoneme) A linguistics term. It refers to a particular sound made in uttering speech. Each language uses a set of phonemes, where each sound can be clearly recognized by one who speaks the language -- so that these sounds can be joined to other sounds in various ways to produce meaningful words ...
  22. (Phoneme) A single unit of sound within a word. Example: /a/, /b/, /ch/
  23. (Phoneme) A symbol representing a phone (i.e., a distinctive sound), abstracted from spoken words.
  24. (Phoneme) Significant sound contrast in a language that serves to distinguish meaning, as in minimal pairs.
  25. (Phoneme) Smallest distinctive sound unit. Some phonemes have slightly different forms called "allophones," similar in sound, but with small differences often based on complimentary distribution (appearing in different sound environments).