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pesticide 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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pesticides, plural;
  1. A substance used for destroying insects or other organisms harmful to cultivated plants or to animals

  1. a chemical used to kill pests (as rodents or insects)
  2. A pesticide is any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest. A pesticide may be a chemical substance, biological agent (such as a virus or bacterium), antimicrobial, disinfectant or device used against any pest. ...
  3. Pesticides vary in their effect on bees. Contact insecticides, which kill by touching the organism, affect worker bees directly sprayed. Systemic insecticides, those incorporated by treated plants, can contaminate nectar or pollen, which then kills bees in the hive.
  4. A substance, usually synthetic although sometimes biological, used to kill or contain the activities of pests
  5. (pesticides) chemicals or biological substances used to deliberately kill unwanted plants or animals.
  6. (PESTICIDES) Any chemical used by farmers to eradicate crop pests. Many are extremely toxic and harmful to workers, the environment, and consumers. The UFW led a forceful campaign both in public and in its contracts to eliminate the use of the most toxic and least biodegradable pesticides. ...
  7. (Pesticides) A general term used to describe chemical substances that are used to destroy or control insect or plant pests. Many of these substances are manufactured and do not occur naturally in the environment. Others are natural toxics that are extracted from plants and animals.
  8. (Pesticides) A product is a pesticide if it makes a claim that it will kill or destroy a pest.  These items are easily available and can generally be purchased over the counter at hardware stores, nurseries and supermarkets.  Pesticides are classified in the following two categories:
  9. (Pesticides) An organic or inorganic compound that aids in the control of insect degradation of the plant
  10. (Pesticides) Chemical products used to reduce or eliminate unwanted organisms, regarded as "pests". Pesticides are often used on gardens, agricultural land, roadsides, and golf courses to eliminate species considered undesirable or damaging.
  11. (Pesticides) Oil is usually their main ingredient. And if pesticide cost goes up, so will the price of food.
  12. (Pesticides) Poultry houses attract many types of pest (lice, rodents, roaches, etc.) and birds receive frequent doses of insecticides to combat these unwanted vermin. ...
  13. (Pesticides) Since the 1940s, conventional food producers have relied on manmade chemicals or pesticides to minimize the harmful effects of crop-eating pests.
  14. (Pesticides) These chemicals are used to kill weeds and insects, and may cause a variety of physical ailments, including brain damage.
  15. (Pesticides) This is a general term for poisons used in farming to kill or control organisms that damage crops or cause health risks. ...
  16. (Pesticides) Used in industrial agriculture to kill pests. Petroleum is used as a feed-stock for production.
  17. (Pesticides) are chemicals used to kill household pests (such as bugs, spiders, and cockroaches). They can also be used on houseplants, pets, wood, and woolen products to keep pests away. Pesticides used outdoors may be tracked in on the bottom of your shoes.
  18. (Pesticides) products used for the extermination of pests or diseases that attack agricultural crops.
  19. (pesticides) Chemicals that are applied to agricultural crops or domesticated plants and which kill or inhibit growth of insects.
  20. (pesticides) chemicals used to control populations of species that are believed to be harmful to human beings or human activities.
  21. A chemical mixture that is specifically designed for the control of certain pests ranging from animal to weeds and plants.
  22. Any chemical that kills, controls, drives away, or modifies the behavior of a pest.
  23. Any agent used to kill or control insects, weeds, rodents, fungi or other organisms.
  24. A substance used to kill, control, repel, or mitigate any pest. Insecticides, fungicides, rodenticides, herbicides, and germicides are all pesticides.
  25. Any chemical or biological agent used to control plant or animal pests in order to protect and/or preserve desirable plants.