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parody 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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parodies, plural;
  1. Produce a humorously exaggerated imitation of (a writer, artist, or genre)
    • - his specialty was parodying schoolgirl fiction
  2. Mimic humorously
    • - he parodied his friend's voice
  1. An imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect
    • - the movie is a parody of the horror genre
    • - his provocative use of parody
  2. An imitation or a version of something that falls far short of the real thing; a travesty
    • - he seems like a parody of an educated Englishman

  1. a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way
  2. make a spoof of or make fun of
  3. humorous or satirical mimicry
  4. spoof: make a parody of; "The students spoofed the teachers"
  5. A parody (also called send-up, spoof or lampoon), in contemporary usage, is a work created to mock, comment on, or make fun at an original work, its subject, author, style, or some other target, by means of humorous, satiric or ironic imitation. ...
  6. Parody music, or musical parody, involves changing or recycling existing (usually very well known) musical ideas or lyrics — or copying the peculiar style of a composer or artist, or even a general style of music. ...
  7. A work or performance that imitates another work or performance with ridicule or irony; To make a parody of something
  8. (Parodies) The Westminster Alice (1902) · Clara in Blunderland (1902) · Lost in Blunderland (1903) · John Bull's Adventures in the Fiscal Wonderland (1904) · Alice in Blunderland: An Iridescent Dream (1904)
  9. (parodies) any humorous, satirical, or burlesque imitation, as of a person, event, etc
  10. In literary criticism, this term refers to an imitation of a serious literary work or the signature style of a particular author in a ridiculous manner. A typical parody adopts the style of the original and applies it to an inappropriate subject for humorous effect. ...
  11. A literary work that imitates the style of another literary work. A parody can be simply amusing or it can be mocking in tone, such as a poem which exaggerates the use of alliteration in order to show the ridiculous effect of overuse of alliteration. (See Satire for related information. ...
  12. Imitates or mocks another work or type of literature. Like a caricature in art, parody in literature mimics a subject or a style. Its purpose may be to ridicule, to broaden understanding of, or to add insight to the original work.
  13. A humorous imitation of another, usually serious, work.
  14. a not-uncomplimentary send-up of another work, such as Geoffrey Chaucer's "Sir Thopas" in The Canterbury Tales. Wendy Cope adds many expert modern parodies in her Making Cocoa for Kingsley Amis (1986).
  15. Parody is making fun of a person, an event, or a work of literature through exaggerated imitation.
  16. a literary composition imitating (and esp. one satirizing) another work. Also, by extension: a poor or feeble imitation; a travesty
  17. (Greek: "beside, subsidiary, or mock song"): A parody imitates the serious manner and characteristic features of a particular literary work in order to make fun of those same features. ...
  18. a literary or artistic work that mimics in an absurd of ridiculous way the conventions and style of another work. Also known as travesty, lampoon, or burlesque. Twain's Connecticut Yankee is in part a parody of Mallory's Morte d'Arthur. ...
  19. An imitation of a work meant to ridicule its style and subject.
  20. A type of film that is satirical, making fun of something.  Also called a spoof or takeoff.
  21. Imitates the techniques and style of some person, place, or thing. Parody is used for mocking or mocking its idea of the person, place, or thing. Monty Python is an example of parody.
  22. A work created when the artist closely imitates the work of another for the purpose to ridicule or poke fun at the work or what the work represents.
  23. Ridicules the work, ideas, or writing style of an author or previous text. A parody may imitate an author's use of vocabulary, punctuation, tone, or philosophy. ...
  24. a defense used by a junior user who seeks to justify its imitation on the premise of humor or satirical social commentary. As a general rule, the same likelihood of confusion standards are applied in a case involving parody as in any other type of infringement. ...
  25. Parody is a literary work which imitates another, ususally serious, piece, and is designed to ridicule the original work, style, or author.