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natural laws, plural;
  1. A body of unchanging moral principles regarded as a basis for all human conduct

  2. An observable law relating to natural phenomena
    • - the natural laws of perspective
  3. Such laws collectively

  1. law: a rule or body of rules of conduct inherent in human nature and essential to or binding upon human society
  2. Natural law or the law of nature (lex naturalis) has been described as a law whose content is set by nature and that therefore has validity everywhere."Natural Law," International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. ...
  3. ethical theories which hold that there is a good natural order to the human world which ought to be adhered to. The Natural order is determined either by a deity or some other supernatural power. ...
  4. trans. T. M. Knox, with an introduction by H. B. Acton. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1977.
  5. A theory that has been tested many thousands of times and found always to be true, e.g., the law of gravity.
  6. Applying the scientific method requires careful observations of natural phenomena. When enough observations have been made that a pattern begins to emerge, scientists then formulate a generalization (natural law) describing the phenomena. Source: Petrucci and Harwood (1993)
  7. General principles of law applicable to all societies; a fundamental concept of the Roman legal system under the empire; related to Stoic ethical theory. (p. 160*)
  8. Standards binding on all persons, and taking precedence over particular standards created by human convention. Natural law can be based on a concept of the natural order (e.g., in Greek philosophy) or as derivative of divine reason (e.g., in Christian philosophy). ...
  9. The theory that there is a higher law than the manmade laws put forth by specific governments. This law is universal, unchanging, and a fundamental part of human nature. Advocates of this view believe that natural law can be discovered by reason alone. ...
  10. A rule of conduct arising out of the natural relations of human beings, established by the Creator, and exsiting prior to any positive precept. Webster. ...
  11. The rules that govern the operation of the universe and everything and everyone in it. Natural Law sometimes appears capitalized in the same way as the Ten Commandments.
  12. moral laws that can be proven with reason just like scientific laws
  13. Describes the nature of creation. It represents a common-sense understanding of the world.
  14. the application of the principle of natural rights based on the the universal, constant, discoverable, and tangible nature of human beings
  15. The idea that not only is nature governed by laws, but that nature has written in the hearts of human beings the laws by which they should govern their lives. In other words, we can know without the help of the Bible the difference between right and wrong. ...
  16. God, or nature, or universal reason has given humanity a law from which the norms of all human law must be derived. The role of human beings is to simply deduce natural law correctly. There is very little agreement on the definition of "right reason," however.
  17. the moral order that is part of G-dÕs design for creating the law that enables people to discern good and evil through the use of reason
  18. Is that Law that God set in motion to govern all that She/He/It created, it is immutable and unchangeable.
  19. Fundamental Legal Philosophy and Explained
  20. n. 1) standards of conduct derived from traditional moral principles (first mentioned by Roman jurists in the first century A.D.) and/or God's law and will. The biblical ten commandments, such as "thou shall not kill," are often included in those principles. ...