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monologue 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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monologues, plural;
  1. A long speech by one actor in a play or movie, or as part of a theatrical or broadcast program

  2. The form or style of such speeches
    • - the play oscillates between third-person narration and monologue
  3. A long and typically tedious speech by one person during a conversation
    • - Fred carried on with his monologue as if I hadn't spoken

  1. soliloquy: speech you make to yourself
  2. a long utterance by one person (especially one that prevents others from participating in the conversation)
  3. a (usually long) dramatic speech by a single actor
  4. A monologue (or monolog) The character may be speaking his or her thoughts aloud, directly addressing another character, or speaking to the audience, especially the former. Monologues are common across the range of dramatic media (plays, films, animation, etc.). ...
  5. Monologue is the second full Length album by the Hungarian rock band The Idoru. The album was released in 2006.
  6. Monologue (Монолог) is a 1972 Soviet drama film directed by Ilya Averbakh. It was entered into the 1973 Cannes Film Festival.
  7. A type of art that consist of soliloquy, a long speech by one person; A long series of comic stories and jokes as an entertainment; A long, uninterrupted utterance that monopolizes a conversation; To deliver a monologue
  8. (Monologues) (poems) - Otto Gelsted
  9. (Monologues) 1954. Str orch. Bonart
  10. Lengthy dialogue blocks in which a character speaks without interruption for more than three lines. To be avoided in spec screenplays.
  11. a scene performed by one person for a client, that reflects a particular mood and demonstrates your acting talent
  12. That shining moment when all eyes are focused on a single actor who is desperately aware that if he forgets a line no one can save him.
  13. A composition, written or oral, by a single individual. More specifically, a speech given by a single individual in a drama or other public entertainment. It has no set length, although it is usually several or more lines long. ...
  14. (contrast with soliloquy and interior monologue): An interior monologue does not necessarily represent spoken words, but rather the internal or emotional thoughts or feelings of an individual, such as William Faulkner's long interior monologues within The Sound and The Fury. ...
  15. a (generally dramatic) speech made by one actor, often used for auditions
  16. a speech of more than a few sentences, usually in a play but also in other genres, spoken by one person and uninterrupted by the speech of anyone else. See soliloquy.
  17. A scene for one actor who speaks his or her thoughts aloud or talks to an imaginary character or directly to the audience.
  18. a speech for one person; in comedy, a stand-up comedy script for a solo comedian.
  19. A section of the play spoken by one actor as either part of a scene or alone on stage. See also Soliloquy.
  20. A piece of oral or written literature (e.g., a story, poem or part of a play) spoken by one person who exposes inner thoughts and provides insights into his or her character.
  21. A long, uninterrupted speech (in a narrative or drama) that is spoken in the presence of other characters. Unlike a soliloquy and most aides, a monologue is heard by other characters.
  22. A story-telling technique employed by a solo performer to directly address the audience that provides information, including themes, emotions, words and settings. Monologues can be done “in character” (playing someone else) or “straight” (playing yourself). ...
  23. a composition giving the discourse of one speaker. By convention, a monologue represents what someone would speak aloud in a situation with listeners, although they do not speak.
  24. a play for one actor; sometimes, a portion of a play. Example: "Help, I Am," a monologue (drama) by Robert Patrick.
  25. a long speech made by one person and that person could be speaking to him/herself.