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merit 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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merits, plural;
  1. Deserve or be worthy of (something, esp. reward, punishment, or attention)
    • - the results have been encouraging enough to merit further investigation
  1. The quality of being particularly good or worthy, esp. so as to deserve praise or reward
    • - composers of outstanding merit
  2. A feature or fact that deserves praise or reward
    • - the relative merits of both approaches have to be considered
  3. A pass grade in an examination denoting above-average performance
    • - if you expect to pass, why not go for a merit or a distinction?
  4. The intrinsic rights and wrongs of a case, outside of any other considerations
    • - a plaintiff who has a good arguable case on the merits
  5. Good deeds regarded as entitling someone to a future reward from God

  1. deserve: be worthy or deserving; "You deserve a promotion after all the hard work you have done"
  2. any admirable quality or attribute; "work of great merit"
  3. Merit is an indie rock band from Syracuse, New York.
  4. Merit (Sanskrit ', Pāli puñña') is a concept in Buddhism. It is that which accumulates as a result of good deeds, acts or thoughts and that carries over to later in life or to a person's next life. Such merit contributes to a person's growth towards liberation. ...
  5. Merit (Latin meritum), in general, is understood to be that property of a good work which entitles the doer to receive a reward (prœmium, merces) from him in whose service the work is done. ...
  6. Merit is a brand of cigarettes made by Altria.
  7. Merits is a legal concept referring to the inherent rights and wrongs of a legal case, absent any emotional or technical biases. The evidence is solely applied to cases decided on the merits, and any procedural matters are discounted.
  8. (merits) Intrinsic advantages, as opposed to political or procedural advantages; Substance, distinguished from form or procedure
  9. (MERITS (Medium term Equity Related InvesTment Securities)) MERITS are principal-protected, callable notes that bear no interest. The notes are linked to the performance of an underlying index or basket of securities. ...
  10. (Merits) A currency in Star Trek Online usually used to rename something.
  11. (Merits) An EEO case may ultimately be decided on its merits; that is to say, the evidence will be reviewed to make a determination (or finding) that discrimination did, or did not, occur.
  12. (Merits) Referring to a judgment, decision or ruling of a court based upon the facts presented in evidence and the law applied to that evidence. ...
  13. (Merits) The strict legal rights of the parties to a lawsuit.
  14. (merits) It is sometimes necessary to distinguish between disputes about matters of procedure on the one hand and, on the other, disputes about the substantive issues in the case. The substantive questions in dispute may be referred to as “the merits”. ...
  15. (merits) The substantive correctness, or otherwise, of a complainant’s allegation that a right under one of the treaties has been violated. The treaty body’s consideration of the merits follows its consideration of the issue of admissibility.
  16. The concept of 'merit' is central to the Apache philosophy and community methodology. Merit is a qualitative and subjective term, referring essentially to attributes such as those below; however, it can probably be summed up as the combination of the worth of one's accomplishments and the ...
  17. Merit is essentially "good Karma." It can be gained in a number of ways. Many of these involve interaction between the sangha and the laity. For example, when a lay person gives a monk food, they gain merit. ...
  18. (punya; shan-gen or ji-fu): In general, it means the good that one does; virtue or meritorious action.  The positive energy or karma generated by wholesome actions of body, speech, and mind. ...
  19. the relative suitability of people for a position, having regard to the duties of the position and the abilities, qualifications, experience, standard of work performance and capabilities of applicants relative to these duties. The term commonly refers to selecting the best person for the job. ...
  20. Exactly the same as CPS, but these are the terms which are set by MasterCard instead.
  21. Insight, power or energy bestowed on the mind when one performs virtuous actions.
  22. the 4 streams of: puñña-dhárá (q.v.). - For transference of merit, s. patti-dána.
  23. A value indicating the amount of CPU time a particular creature deserves (or has earned) taking into account its length and the tasks that it has successfully completed.
  24. The good fortune created by virtuous actions. It is the potential power to increase our good qualities and produce happiness.
  25. A salary increase or payment awarded to an employee for exemplary individual performance.