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mannerisms, plural;
  1. A habitual gesture or way of speaking or behaving; an idiosyncrasy
    • - learning the great man's speeches and studying his mannerisms
  2. An ordinary gesture or expression that becomes abnormal through exaggeration or repetition

  3. Excessive or self-conscious use of a distinctive style in art, literature, or music
    • - he seemed deliberately to be stripping his art of mannerism
  4. A style of 16th-century Italian art preceding the Baroque, characterized by unusual effects of scale, lighting, and perspective, and the use of bright, often lurid colors. It is particularly associated with the work of Pontormo, Vasari,and the later Michelangelo

  1. idiosyncrasy: a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual
  2. affectation: a deliberate pretense or exaggerated display
  3. Mannerism is a period of European art that emerged from the later years of the Italian High Renaissance around 1520. It lasted until about 1580 in Italy, when a more Baroque style began to replace it, but Northern Mannerism continued into the early 17th century throughout much of Europe. ...
  4. Renaissance architecture is the architecture of the period between the early 15th and early 17th centuries in different regions of Europe, in which there was a conscious revival and development of certain elements of ancient Greek and Roman thought and material culture. ...
  5. Ars subtilior (more subtle art) is a musical style characterized by rhythmic and notational complexity, centered around Paris, Avignon in southern France, also in northern Spain at the end of the fourteenth century.Hoppin 1978, 472–73. The style also is found in the French Cypriot repertory. ...
  6. A group of verbal or other unconscious habitual behaviors peculiar to an individual; Exaggerated or effected style in art, speech, or other behavior
  7. (MANNERISMS) Habits (such as looking or moving in a certain way) that one notices in a person’s behavior. A distinctive behavioral trait.
  8. (MANNERISMS) Physical behaviors or 'ticks' pinpointing the uniqueness of the character.
  9. (Mannerist) a style using complex surface modelling, ambiguous rhythms and distortion of classical motifs; often witty.
  10. An affected or habitual characteristic, as a style of posture or speech, which is considered unprofessional when injected or interlarded into the broadcast persona. Common verbal fillers include um, ah, like, ya know, okay, right, see, get it, you dig, you follow. ...
  11. A style of art that developed in the sixteenth century as a reaction to the classical rationality and balanced harmony of the High Renaissance; characterized by the dramatic use of space and light, exaggerated color, elongation of figures, and distortions of perspective, scale, and proportion.
  12. (English) A European style of art and architecture that took form ca. 1520-1600, contemporaneous with the Counterreformation and the Spanish settlement of the Americas. Mannerism developed first in Rome, Italy but became known throughout Europe and, over time, in Spanish America. ...
  13. Exaggerated, artificial adherence to a literary manner or style. Also, a popular style of the visual arts of late sixteenth-century Europe that was marked by elongation of the human form and by intentional spatial distortion. ...
  14. A term developed in the twentieth century to characterize aspects of Italian art of the 1520s to the 1590s that belonged neither to the Renaissance or the Baroque. ...
  15. A style developed during the Late Renaissance gaining popularity in much of Europe and northern Italy, Mannerism featured the use of distorted figures in complex, impossible poses, and strange artificial colors.
  16. A style, c. 1520-1600, that arose in reaction to the harmony and proportion of the High Renaissance. It featured elongated, contorted poses, crowded canvases, and harsh lighting and coloring.
  17. In 16th century Italy a style involving deliberate distortions of the traditional motifs in order to individualise the artist. In the 20th century, the attribution of importance to the manner in which something is done rather than to the meaning behind it.
  18. The last two-thirds of the 16th century in Italy particularly marked mannerism, a method using vivid and bright colors and styles especially in depicting humans. Some of the paintings are very emotional, such as those of El Greco and Tintoretto.
  19. The artists of the Mannerist period (c.1520-1600) flouted the traditional 'rules' of classical and Renaissance art. The chief characteristics of
  20. A European art movement and style that developed between 1520 and 1600. It was a style that rejected the calm balance of the High Renaissance in favor of emotion and distortion. Works of art done in this style reflected the tension that marked Europe at this time in history.
  21. aspects of Renaissance and Baroque music such as 'madrigalism' and 'text painting', where the music mirrors textual detail
  22. Artistic movement against the Renaissance ideals of symetry, balance, and simplicity; went against the perfection the High Renaissance created in art. Used elongated proportions, twisted poese and compression of space.... unusual light sources
  23. A cultural movement between 1520 and 1600 that grew out of a rebellion against the Renaissance artistic norms of symmetry and balance; characterized in art by distortion and incongruity and in thought and literature by the belief that human nature is depraved.
  24. Italian style of art in 16th century with characteristics of somewhat distorted forms to create heightened emotions. Example: the artist Pontormo.
  25. The sliver of time between the Renaissance and the Baroque when artists couldn't quite make up their minds what to do and got a little silly.