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log 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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logs, plural;
  1. Enter (an incident or fact) in the log of a ship or aircraft or in another systematic record
    • - the incident has to be logged
    • - the red book where we log our calls
  2. (of a ship or aircraft) Achieve (a certain distance or speed)
    • - she had logged more than 12,000 miles since she had been launched
  3. (of an aircraft pilot) Attain (a certain amount of flying time)

  4. Cut down (an area of forest) in order to exploit the timber commercially

  1. A part of the trunk or a large branch of a tree that has fallen or been cut off

  2. An official record of events during the voyage of a ship or aircraft
    • - a ship's log
  3. A regular or systematic record of incidents or observations
    • - keep a detailed log of your activities
  4. An apparatus for determining the speed of a ship, originally consisting of a float attached to a knotted line wound on a reel, the distance run out in a certain time being used as an estimate of the vessel's speed

  1. a segment of the trunk of a tree when stripped of branches
  2. enter into a log, as on ships and planes
  3. logarithm: the exponent required to produce a given number
  4. cut lumber, as in woods and forests
  5. a written record of messages sent or received; "they kept a log of all transmission by the radio station"; "an email log"
  6. a written record of events on a voyage (of a ship or plane)
  7. A data logger (also datalogger or data recorder) is an electronic device that records data over time or in relation to location either with a built in instrument or sensor or via external instruments and sensors. ...
  8. Lamb of God is a heavy metal band from Richmond, Virginia, formed in 1994. Lamb of God consists of vocalist Randy Blythe, guitarists Mark Morton and Willie Adler, bassist John Campbell, and drummer Chris Adler. The band is considered to be a member of the New Wave of American Heavy Metal.
  9. On the positive real numbers, the continuous super-logarithm (inverse tetration) is essentially equivalent: but on the negative real numbers, log-star is 0, whereas for positive x, so the two functions differ for negative arguments.
  10. Various obstacles are found in competitive sports involving Horse jumping. These include show jumping, hunter, and the cross-country phase of the equestrian discipline of eventing. ...
  11. Log is a magazine of architecture and urbanism that has been published by the Anyone Corporation since 2003, and is edited by Cynthia Davidson. ...
  12. A chip log, also called common log, ship log or just log, is a navigation tool used by mariners to estimate the speed of a vessel through water.
  13. logarithm
  14. (logging) An act or instance of logging
  15. (LogD) logarithm of distribution coefficient D of a compound between octanol and buffer layers. logD = log10 [in octanol]/[in water]. Describes the total partition of both ionized and unionized form at a certain pH.
  16. (Logging) Cutting trees to produce forest products such as lumber, poles, paper, etc.
  17. (Logging) The process of storing information about events that occurred on the firewall or network.
  18. (logging) The process of entering detailed information, including the In and Out points from your source material, log notes, and so on, in preparation for a clip to be captured.
  19. (logging) The behavior of resting at the surface.
  20. (LOGGING) Involves using instruments to determine what type of rock is being encountered and whether it is likely to contain oil, gas or water. ...
  21. (Logging) A feature whereby the Geiger counter logs the data collected, typically at a remote location, for later upload to a coimputer for analysis, sich as in the PRM-8000. ...
  22. (Logging) Animal lies on the surface of the water and drifts passively with the water.  Whale is not truly asleep.
  23. (Logging) Creating and storing a permanent record of events that can be reviewed, printed, and analyzed.
  24. (Logging) Determining the exact depths and presence and characteristics of natural gas producing strata and foreign objects (e.g., casing depth, cement, etc.) present in a well.
  25. (Logging) Lying still at or near the surface.